October Board Meeting

Oct. 19, 2022

Approved Minutes

Michael Pastore called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Board Members present included: Michael Pastore, President; Abbey Bethel, President-Elect; Debby Brown, Treasurer; Chris Currington, Secretary; Jim Dallas, Past President; Margi Koors, Nancy Lambert, Craig Markham, Karen Moske, Stephen Shuman, and Gary Toribio. 

Michael thanked everyone for attending. 

1. Oktoberfest 

Abbey said that SRG’s tips from Oktoberfest totaled $1,078, but she hasn’t heard anything about how much was sold and how much SRG will get. The beer tent closed at 10 p.m. on Saturday, and the last volunteers were home by ~10:30 p.m. Michael asked if there were plenty of volunteers. Abbey said there were, but next year, there may be consideration for overlapping volunteers. Stephen Shuman recommended that when volunteers sign up, there be a checkbox if they are familiar with technology and can tap a keg. Jim also recommended the credit card readers be replaced. Debby Brown said that, for those paying with credit cards, there was no opportunity to leave a gratuity. There was then a discussion about how tips could/would be separated from credit card sales and how busy the crowd was Friday and Saturday. 

Michael asked if there were any additional comments about Oktoberfest. Nancy Lambert said Abbey should be commended for maintaining a positive attitude throughout. Margi Koors said that it was a long time for Abbey to be there and manage the booth. Debby suggested that, in the future, perhaps there be multiple people running the booth rather than one. Karen Moske suggested maybe one person is in charge of the whole beer tent, but then there are shift managers. 

Referring back to the small cell phone/credit card readers, Nancy said the crowds were moving very fast, but the phones were very small. The new technology setup (being tested) that Brenton Henry had at the Beautification Committee’s fundraiser at Molly’s worked much better. Michael agreed that at next year’s Oktoberfest, there will be a push for updated technology, however, the technology is under the control of SBA, not by SRG. 

2. Merchandising 

Abbey Bethel said that someone is willing to help with designing SRG-specific merchandise and asked if there have been previous promotional items that haven’t worked. Craig Markham asked if the thought would be to buy a minimum quantity of merchandise and keep it stored. Abbey said this is not preferred. Margi Koors said that SRG previously had a company that managed merchandise, and said she’d like to be part of the process and decisions. She knows people who design clothes and get them manufactured. Margi would be happy to work with the interested party. 

Michael Pastore said he looked into buying SRG stickers and giving them away or selling them. Margi asked that Michael share information about this with Julie Price (Membership Committee chair). 

3. Soulard Special Business District

Michael Pastore said that, in the neighborhood, there’s a general disenchantment with the street patrols from “The City’s Finest.” They can’t pull someone over unless there are two patrolmen in the car. Margi Koors said this is for the patrolmen’s safety. Craig Markham asked what one officer can do. Karen Moske asked if SRG could look into what other neighborhoods do because there aren’t a lot of security companies like this that exist. Chris Currington made the suggestion that this be brought up at an SRG General Membership Committee meeting and have officer Dilg address it. Gary Toribio then asked if the Board wants a representative of SSBD to show up at a General Membership meeting to address this. Michael said that SSBD is starting talks about renewing the contract with The City’s Finest. Jim Dallas said that whoever lives in the SSBD, they pay the property tax, so SRG as an organization can only give feedback about what is observed as a neighborhood. Michael confirmed that he would have a representative from SSBD address neighborhood patrolling at an upcoming General Membership meeting. 

4. Policies & Procedures (Ps & Ps) 

Jim Dallas said that he, Gary Toribio, and Nancy Lambert have been working on Ps & Ps, and some are further along than others. Four of six had potential for a vote at this meeting. 

There was then a discussion about who had reviewed the emailed Ps & Ps, what comments were made, and by whom. 

There was a discussion about the SRG-member use of the Soulard Station, who can use it, duration, notice, and responsibilities. 

There was a discussion about insurance costs, fees to use the building, security deposits, and entrance codes. 

It was eventually agreed that insurance certifications (for those wanting to use the station) should stay in the P & P, and anyone wanting to use the station should incur the cost if they want to use the Station. If this becomes too much of a hassle, it can be reconsidered. 

The conversation then turned back to occupancy, times, fees, and calendaring. 

There was then a discussion about SRG Members wanting to use the station should have volunteered (volunteer requirement). This turned to a conversation about increasing volunteerism and what should be discussed at an upcoming Board retreat. 

Jim said that the Board should give some thought about introducing the use of the Soulard Station at a General Membership meeting. Michael suggested that someone from the Board take the responsibility. 

The discussion then turned to the P & P about “Executive Director” and the necessity for such a position, the number of members that would be needed to justify the position, and if the person should be paid. It was agreed that this a P&P for Executive Director is not necessary, and the board should hold off developing one until such time that it contemplates ever hiring an Executive Director. 

The conversation turned to the “Notice Approved Media and In Writing” P & P. Abbey Bethel made the motion to accept the Notice Approved Media and In Writing P & P. Karen Moske seconded the motion

The vote was taken. 

All voted in favor of accepting the Notice Approved Media and In Writing P & P. 

The conversation then turned to the “President Elect as Treasurer Liaison” P & P. Stephen Shuman made the motion to accept the President Elect as Treasurer Liaison P & P. Craig Markham seconded the motion. 

The vote was taken. 

All voted in favor of accepting the President Elect as Treasurer Liaison P & P. 

As for the remaining Ps & Ps, it was decided to put any discussion on hold. 

5. Clean Team

Michael Pastore said that he’s seen a couple of members of the Clean Team (from Trinity Lutheran Church who clean Soulard streets and pick up trash) sweeping and cleaning. He talked to them, and the Clean Team is no longer run by Sts. Peter & Paul. The members Michael talked to are very happy at Trinity. 

There was a discussion about future responsibilities of Sts. Peter & Paul to the neighborhood and the homeless. Regarding SRG’s donation to the Clean Team, Abbey said no one has reached about donations or payments. Jim Dallas said that if anyone hears complaints that SRG is not contributing to the Clean Team, to tell them that SRG would consider such a request if Trinity were to ask to speak with SRG’s Board and make a request. 

6. Beautification 

Michael Pastore said that Luke Reynolds, of Molly’s, wrote a $10,000 check to the Beautification Committee. There was a discussion about how to appropriate the money. Margi Koors said there was a caveat – the $10,000 is to be used specifically for a new sculpture to be placed in Soulard. Debby Brown said SRG is not allowed to use the money for anything else. Jim Dallas asked if the committee is ok with recommending what the piece of art should be. Michael asked if the Board would have a say in the sculpture and its placement. Nancy Lambert said that the Board should meet with Richard and talk about the process. Jim said, as he sees it, the Beautification Committee will make the recommendation (art/placement), but because of the size of the expenditure, the Board will ultimately have to approve. It was generally agreed that the Board would have a say in where the sculpture is placed. 

Debby Brown discussed where the money should be deposited and future Board awareness. Abbey Bethel recommended that the $10,000 be put into a separate account. Nancy added that, in addition to the $10,000, the Beautification Committee raised ~$7,800 (at the Molly’s fundraising event). 

Gary Toribio made the motion that the $10,000 donation be deposited in a separate account, and it be earmarked for an art installation in Soulard and not to be used by any other committees. Debby Brown seconded the motion. 

The vote was taken. 

The motion to deposit the $10,000 donation in a separate account, and it be earmarked for an art installation in Soulard and to be used by any other committees, passed.

7. Off-the-Island event 

There was an original budget approved for this event by the Board, but the trip was higher than the amount budgeted. Julie Price, Membership Committee chair in charge of the event, was able to put the cost of the bus and tip on her personal credit card. 

Margi Koors made the motion to increase the originally approved budget for the Off-the-Island event to $672. Stephen Shuman seconded the motion. 

The vote was taken. 

The motion to increase the budget for the Off-the-Island Event to $672 passed

Jim Dallas said he wanted to give Julie kudos for being flexible and making the bus trip happen. Margi said Julie was determined to have the event, and Michael said it sounded like it was a great time. Gary Toribio said the purpose of the event was to build camaraderie between SRG members who attended. 

8. American Legion and Santa Comes to Soulard

Michael Pastore said he had a planned meeting at the American Legion to talk about the Santa Comes to Soulard event. The date for the event will be Dec. 18. Michael said he doesn’t want to tax anymore volunteers, but he does want to participate in some fashion; it doesn’t take a lot of effort. Michael will provide more information after the meeting at the Legion. 

Gary Toribio asked if the Board needed to approve anything. Michael said not at that point; he doesn’t know what the Legion is going to ask for. Jim Dallas said anything monetary would come from the Community Involvement & Events Committee. 

On a side note, Michael said that the Legion is also planning a Thanksgiving event – on Thanksgiving Day – for veterans/military people. Volunteers can go up Wednesday to help prepare for the Thanksgiving Day event. 

9. Mardi Gras beer booth 

Margi Koors referred to a Mardi Gras beer booth that Michael Pastore had proposed at a previous Board meeting. Julie Price has offered SRG the area around her building for the booth, and she can open her backyard and bathroom to volunteers. Margi wanted to throw this out if the Board wants to move forward with this beer booth and if it can find volunteers. Plus, there are no bars around Julie’s building. 

10. Square fees

Margi Koors said that Square (for payment) is currently used at a lot of events. Every time, SRG is charged $1.25. Margi proposed that SRG ask each customer to pay the additional $1.25 service fee. It’s very common for nonprofits to do this, and it would put money back into SRG’s coffers. Jim Dallas, as Board Liaison to the Communications Committee, said he’d follow up about the service fees and looking at a possible new purchasing system. 

11. Secretary’s update

Chris Currington said that he’d sent the link to the draft of the August Board Meeting minutes and the draft of the September Board Meeting minutes to the Board. He didn’t receive any changes to either set of minutes and asked for a motion to accept the drafts of the August and September Board Meeting minutes as final. 

Margi Koors made the motion to accept the draft of the August and September Board Meeting minutes as final. Debby Brown seconded

The vote was taken. All voted in favor. 

The motion to accept the draft of the August and September Board Meeting minutes as final passed

12. Board Retreat

Abbey Bethel said the upcoming Board Retreat was going to be Nov. 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Soulard Station. Karen Moske said she wouldn’t be able to attend, but if there was something important, she asked to be contacted via email. The topics for the retreat will be members, keeping members, and volunteerism. 

Andrea Maddox-Dallas will be the retreat facilitator. Michael will find out if a contract is needed. 

13. Central Business Association Trivia Night

Abbey Bethel said that the Central Patrol Business Association Trivia Night would be Nov. 11, and she asked if SRG wanted to contribute. The cost per table is $280.

Michael Pastore asked for a motion that SRG pay for a table. 

Karen Moske made the motion that SRG pay for a table at the Central Patrol Business Association Trivia Night. Craig Markham seconded

The vote was taken. All voted in favor. 

The motion to pay for a table at the Central Patrol Business Association Trivia Night passed

14. Memorial tree for Paul Kjorle

Nancy Lambert said that Neil and Veronica Putz bought the memorial tree for Paul Kjorle, but there has been no ceremony yet. The tree will be planted in the northeast corner of Pontiac Park. 

15. Parlour Tour

Nancy Lambert said that Gayle Brinker, SRG Member, is working with the Parlour Tour Committee on the gift for those who buy tickets for the Parlour Tour. She does promotional items, and she wants to open an account for SRG. 

17. Soulard resident and Nobel Prize winner

Craig Markham mentioned a Soulard Resident who would be receiving a Nobel Prize. Professor Philip H. Dybvig, professor of banking and finance at Washington University’s Olin School of Business, is one of three recipients of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences. 

16. Adjournment

Craig Markham made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Margi Koors seconded

All voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 p.m.


