Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Meeting was a video conference conducted on Zoom

Time called to order: 7:00 p.m. on 7/15/2020

(At the start of the meeting a quorum existed with 9 of 11 Board members present.)

              (Presence indicated by  ☑  -  Absence indicated by  ⦸)



☑Neil Putz (Pres./ Mtg Chair)

☑Taylor Bodine

☑Jim Dallas (President Elect)

☑John Durnell

⦸Jeff Roberts (Treasurer)

☑Beth Hoops

☑Gary Toribio (Secretary)

☑Marilyn Morris

☑Scott Plackemeier (Past President)

☑Dave Perry (via phone)

☑Billy Tomber (Exec. Editor SRG Communications)

(Joined meeting at approx. 7:15pm)


Ward 20 Alderwoman Cara Spencer cara@caraspencer.com

“Soulard Blaster weekly email newsletter” is referred to as the Blaster in these minutes.

  1. President’s Remarks: Neil Putz 

    1. Welcome to President-Elect, Jim Dallas.

      1. Neil thanked everyone that was involved with the successful electronic election.

    2. Website updates

      1. Jim Dallas to assist with website updates.

    3. Revision of Bylaws

      1. Past President, Scott Plackemeier, to help Jim Dallas with the review and revision of the bylaws.

      2. Gary Toribio has been involved with the bylaws since late 2019 and will share the latest review comments with Scott & Jim.

      3. Neil said the Board would focus on bylaw review and revisions after completing the annual budget process in August.

    4. Privatization of Lambert Airport: Guest Speaker: Alderwoman Cara Spencer

      1. A brief presentation was made regarding the concerns with the concept and approach to the privatization of the City’s Lambert Airport.

II. Secretary: Gary Toribio

  1. Previous Board Meeting Minutes approval 

Approval of the minutes for the SRG Board Meeting on May 20, 2020, with the revisions requested by the board regarding the elimination of personal identifying information related to the suspension of a PRT committee member, as understood by the Secretary. The Secretary will forward the revised minutes for final review; and, if no Board members ask the Secretary for revisions, the minutes for the May 20, 2020 SRG Board Meeting will be approved effective 5p.m. Monday July 20, 2020.

Motion by Billy Tomber, 2nd Marilyn Morris

Discussion: Neil Putz reported that he sent a formal letter with appropriate detail and appeal procedures, and he also discussed it with the suspended PRT member.

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

Motion passed unanimously

(Subsequently, a few relatively minor review comments were received from one Board member, and the Secretary made the revisions and the final version of the minutes were forwarded to the Board with no further comments before or after Monday, July 20, 2020.)

Upon further review, if no Board members ask the Secretary for revisions, the minutes for the June 17, 2020, SRG Board Meeting will be approved effective 5p.m. Monday July 20, 2020.

Motion by Gary Toribio, 2nd Scott Plackemeier

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

Motion passed unanimously

(No review comments were submitted to the Secretary before or after Monday, July 20, 2020.)

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Neil Putz for Jeff Roberts

    1. Jeff called Neil with Treasurer update since Jeff was out of town due to work requirements and could not attend the Board’s videoconference meeting on July 15, 2020.

    2. The Treasurer is issuing 2 checks for relatively minor expenditures by the Beautification Committee as well as checks for the Communications Committee.

    3. Scott Plackemeier has the only remaining signature authority for the Together Credit Union accounts, and he was asked to visit the Credit Union to withdraw the final $300 balance and it will be deposited in the SRG accounts at Community Bank.

    4. Neil and Jeff are keeping up with the status of the Audit.

    5. Budget Review Process.

      1. Jeff Roberts has not yet had an opportunity to review Neil’s guidance on the proposed budget process.

      2. Neil stated that the FY 2020-2021 Budget process is the top priority for SRG at this time.

      3. Beth Hoops shared a screen with the examples of the Budgeting information to be prepared by each Committee which will be presented to the Board in August.

      4. Neil will send these slides to each Board Liaison and the chair of each committee.

  2. Committee Liaison reports

    1. Beautification: John Durnell

      1. During the pandemic it has been difficult to get the committee together for meetings or workdays.

      2. The Committee will not be receiving customary, community service assistance from the normal 3 volunteer organizations representing businesses and universities in St. Louis.

      3. Obtaining limited assistance from local labor for general upkeep.

      4. Expenditures have been limited during this growing season and are approximately $800 to date.

      5. The normal Annual Beautification fundraiser will not be held this year due to the pandemic.

    2. Plan Review Team (PRT) / Code & Zoning: John Durnell

      1. 802 Geyer

        1. The committee met onsite with the owner on 7/13/2020.

          1. The owner informed the PRT attendees that the nonconforming planter retaining wall will be removed.

          2. The PRT suggested to the owner that a privacy fence be built to screen the licensed trailer that the City ordinances allows to be on the vacant lot.

          3. John Durnell said he would suggest to Jay Gibbs that Jay should write a letter or email to the owner summarizing the discussions and what is acceptable to the PRT.

      2. Public Dissemination of Soulard’s Historic Code requirements

        1. Neil will issue a Presidential Letter to be distributed through the weekly Blaster as a reminder of the Code requirements and that the PRT should be consulted before starting work.

        2. During the FY 2020-2021 budget process consideration will be given to possibly distributing paper copies of the Soulard Historic Code throughout the neighborhood to property owners.

      3. New House, Lami & 11th in St Agatha Area.

        1. To be reviewed by PRT

    3. Communications: Billy Tomber

      1. All members email addresses were updated in conjunction with the electronic voting in June and July.

      2. The Final Board Meeting minutes for May & June 2020 will be posted on the website as soon as they are provided by the Secretary.

      3. The Communications Committee, President and Past President were recognized for doing a great job with the electronic voting.

      4. Jim Dallas to work with Billy Tomber to address changes to the SRG website, since some of the items on the website are out of date and/or not working (such as certain links).

    4. Fundraising: Billy Tomber

      1. The Soulard Summer Concert Series has been cancelled except for those in the month of September which will also be subject to cancellation by the City’s pandemic response at that time.

      2. No update on the status of the City’s refund of the park permit fees paid for the concerts.

      3. Work is starting on planning the 2021 Concert Series.

    5. Membership: Scott Plackemeier 

      1. Scott and Julie Price were not able to find a time to discuss updates before the Board meeting.

      2. The electronic election was a great help for updating member contact information.

    6. Parlour Tour: Beth Hoops

      1. Planning for the December Parlour tour normally starts in July/August.

      2. Billy Tomber spoke with Jeanne Kirby about the possibility of a virtual house tour this year. Neil Thompson will also be consulted on this.

    7. Residential Promotion: Taylor Bodine

      1. Soulard Royalty for 2021

      2. Res Promo to lead the promotion and other efforts, but Com Com will assist with data management.

      3. Historic Signage Program

        1. Project continues to make progress.

        2. Two additional signs have been installed and is ready for final review by John Durnell.

        3. Taylor is reviewing the copy/text for one last sign.

        4. Phase 2 of the project is the brochure to accompany the signs.

      4. Bastille Day event in July 2020 has been canceled/postponed.

    8. Safety Representative: Dave Perry

      1. Dave Perry just started in this role.

      2. Dave will be following up with the Soulard Special Business District (SSBD) as well as Jim Rick who was previously involved with SRG crime/safety issues.

      3. Scott Plackemeier doesn’t mind assisting with safety.

    9. Soulard Station: Marilyn Morris

      1. The committee is meeting every 2 months with the next meeting on 7/21/2020.

      2. Marilyn to update us at the next Board meeting on the interior painting work since the roof repairs are complete.

III. Other

  1. Vehicles running Stop Signs in Soulard: Neil Putz

    1. Neil asked for ideas on alternatives that could improve the situation.

    2. Scott Plackemeier will reach out to Nextdoor members for ideas.

    3. John Durnell is the SRG representative on the Community Improvement District (CID) Board and suggested that the CID coordinate with SRG on possible alternatives.

  2. SBA’s request for SRG donation to the Soulard Strong charity for service industry in our neighborhood: Gary Toribio

    1. Neil Putz recently received a letter from SBA regarding this, and he will be taking a closer look at it now that the electronic election has been completed.

  3. SBA has taken responsibility for Soulard Market Plaza but not done any plantings or maintenance so far this year. John Durnell

    1. Cathy Weldon is the contact person since she is now working part time for the SBA.

      1. Beth Hoops to contact Cathy

  1. Adjournment

Motion to Adjourn the Video Conferencing Meeting.

Motion by Taylor Bodine, 2nd by Dave Perry.

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

Motion passed unanimously

    1. Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 p.m.


These minutes summarizing this meeting were prepared by SRG Secretary, Gary Toribio.

Minutes Approved by SRG Board at their meeting on August 19, 2020

Note:  The above information is the Board Secretary’s understanding of the motions, votes and general issues that were discussed but are not intended to be a verbatim transcript of the meeting




June 2020 Board Video Conference Meeting Minutes