June 2020 Board Video Conference Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Meeting was a video conference conducted on Zoom

Time called to order: 7:00 p.m. on 6/17/2020

(At the start of the meeting a quorum existed with 8 of 10 Board members present.)

              (Presence indicated by  ☑  -  Absence indicated by  ⦸)



Neil Putz (Pres./ Mtg Chair)

Taylor Bodine

Scott Plackemeier (Past President)

John Durnell

Jeff Roberts (Treasurer) Joined meeting at 8:45pm

Beth Hoops

Gary Toribio (Secretary)

Marilyn Morris

Billy Tomber (Exec. Editor SRG Communications)

Dave Perry 


“Soulard Blaster weekly email newsletter” is referred to as the Blaster in these minutes.

  1. President’s Remarks: Neil Putz 

    1. Vehicles running or rolling through stop signs in Soulard

      1. This was a topic on Nextdoor.

      2. Neil to discuss alternatives to correct this situation with Alderman Coatar.

    2. Previous Board Meeting Minutes approval 

Approval of the minutes for the April 15, 2020 SRG Board Meeting effective at 3p.m. Friday June 19, 2020, if, upon further review, no Board member requests that changes be made by the Secretary.

Motion by Billy Tomber, 2nd Scott Plackemeier

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

Motion passed unanimously

(No review comments were submitted to the Secretary before or after Friday afternoon, 6/19.)

    1. SRG Budget for FY 2020-2021

      1. Neil emailed the Board last year’s Annual Budget Review Process and a sample Committee Budget Chart.

      2. Neil wants the Committees to begin the budgeting process and provide their 3-page budget request for consideration at the July 15, 2020 Board Meeting.

      3. Billy Tomber asked Neil to send Liaisons and Committee Chairs the Excel file used as a template for the Committee Budget Charts.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Roberts

    1. Minimal changes since last month as the only expenses have been the utilities for Soulard Station and a few general expenditures by the Beautification Committee.

    2. Transfer of Accounts from Together Credit Union to Carrolton Bank

      1. A balance of $5,800 remains at Together Credit Union after all checks clearing.

      2. Jeff to transfer $5,500 by check to Carrolton Bank.

      3. Scott Plackemeier will be withdrawing the final $300 in person from Together Credit Union and then it will be deposited in Carrolton Bank.

    3. Auto-Bill pay is in place for the Station utilities except for the City Water & Sewer Bill.  Billy Tomber will help Jeff with the City accounts.

    4. Marilyn Morris asked about the status of the solar panels at Soulard Station

      1. Jeff was to investigate how much we are getting from the power buy-back.

      2. Billy Tomber, who was instrumental to the implementation of the solar panel program, confirmed that we are doing well with the buy-back and will research and develop a summary by month.

      3. The buy-back is shown as “Net Metering” on our monthly Ameren bill.

  2. Elections for President Elect: Neil Putz

    1. The election to fill our vacant President Elect position is currently the highest priority.

    2. Neil is coordinating with the Communications Committee and their Board Liaison to have all current members in good standing vote through email.

    3. The election announcement and bio’s on the candidates are planned to be sent out June 19th with member’s votes due to be emailed back by July 2nd or 3rd.

    4. In verifying the roll of Members in Good Standing for the election, approximately 20 residents joined SRG.

  3. Committee Liaison reports

    1. Beautification: John Durnell

      1. Street containers have been planted.

      2. Received approval from our Alderman, Jack Coatar, and the City Water Department to have temporary hydrant connections for watering the planted street containers on a regular basis.

      3. Mowing is ongoing at Soulard Station.

    2. Plan Review Team (PRT) / Code & Zoning: John Durnell

      1. 802 Geyer

        1. The planter retaining wall that does not meet historic codes have been referred to the City for resolution.

        2. The travel trailer was moved from the vacant lot and is now parked on the street.

        3. Coordination with the City will continue. 

    1. Communications: Billy Tomber

      1. The next edition of the Renaissance will be in the Fall for Oktoberfest.

      2. Continued development of election protocols for President-Elect with Neil Putz and Membership Committee.

      3. More website updates were made.

    2. Fundraising: Billy Tomber

      1. No committee meeting was held this month.

      2. Summer Concert Series

        1. Concerts cancelled until COVID-19 restrictions are lifted by the City.

        2. There may be a possibility for the concerts in August, but everything is still uncertain with COVID-19.

        3. Refunds of the City Permit Fees previously paid will be coordinated with the City when the future of all planned concerts in August are determined.

    3. Membership: Scott Plackemeier 

      1. Scott to coordinate with the Membership Chair, Julie Price.

      2. Veronica Putz has been terribly busy with verifying the Membership Rolls for the upcoming Elections.

    4. Parlour Tour: Beth Hoops

      1. Nothing to report at this time as the next Tour will be December 5 & 6.

      2. Neil Putz did facilitate finding and paying an old printing bill for last year’s event in 2019

    5. Residential Promotion: Taylor Bodine

      1. Committee Meeting held on 6/15/2020 at Grizzly Bear’s.

      2. Historic Signage Program

        1. Six (6) signs are in the process of being completed.

      3. Bastille Day event will perhaps be postponed.

        1. Working with Communications Committee for online Royalty Nominations and tabulation of who the winners are for next year.

        2. The Residential Promotions Committee will be responsible for recruiting and promoting nominations for the royalty.

    6. Safety Representative: Scott Plackemeier

      1. Scott will help liaison for a Safety Committee and work with the SLMPD on issues and community outreach.

    7. Soulard Station: Marilyn Morris

      1. Some email issues caused a delay with the Committee Chair, Tracy Laxton, receiving Neil’s concurrence on proceeding with the ceiling painting; but everything has been resolved and the painting will be starting soon.

  1. Other

    1. No other subjects discussed.

  1. Adjournment

Motion to Adjourn the Video Conferencing Meeting.

Motion by Scott Plackemeier, 2nd by Taylor Bodine.

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

Motion passed unanimously

    1. Meeting Adjourned at 8:55p.m.


These minutes summarizing this meeting were prepared by SRG Secretary, Gary Toribio.

Minutes Approved by SRG Board subsequent to their meeting on July 15, 2020

Note:  The above information is the Board Secretary’s understanding of the motions, votes and general issues that were discussed but are not intended to be a verbatim transcript of the meeting




May 2020 Board Video Conference Meeting Minutes