April 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
April 2017 SRG Board Meeting Minutes
Date: April 19, 2017
Location: Soulard Station, 1911 S. 12th St.
Officers in Attendance: Beth Bennett, Bill Clendenin, Luann Denten, Melissa Irlbeck-Whitson, Venessa Kobrin, Scott Plackemeier, Neil Putz, Christopher Schwarz, Stephen Shuman, Billy Tomber, Wade Weistreich
Officers Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President Bill Clendenin
Old Business
Whistler Apartment Project
The Whistler meeting was held last night. The main issue addressed was parking. In the first iteration of the plans the ratio of apartments to parking spaces was .75. As the plans were developed, the second iteration was 122 units (31 two bedroom) to 115 parking spaces. The third iteration is now 127 (24 two bedroom) to 120 parking spaces (the majority of the parking spaces are underground), and a .96 ratio.
- The current request is for a variance for the parking.
- The parking, as stated by the representatives of the development, will be included inthe rent BUT the tenants will be able to opt-out if they "don't need" the parking spot.
- Jay Gibbs will draft a letter and submit it to the Board
Motions: Venessa K. motions that Wade W. will convey the approval of the updated parking plans from the Board but wait to submit any formal letters until updated plans are reviewed by PRT and the Board.
Second: Christopher
Favor: All
New Business
1. Donation to the families of the boiler accident
Motions: Luann D. motions to make a donation to the families in the amount of $250 per family on behalf of the Soulard Restoration Group, for a total amount of $1000.00, ensuring donation via the most appropriate mechanism.
Second: Scott Plackemeier
Favor: All
2. CVC Wayfinder Signage
The CVC needs to be updated with Wade as the President. These signs were previously approved in the amount of $1300.00 but one of the groups dropped out and the current amount is $2200.00. The amount would cover a five year period.
Motion: Venessa motions to approve the signage project for an additional five years in the amount of $2200.00. Any future requests should be supported by data regarding the usefulness of the signs and verification of how the funds raised by the signs are utilized, and overall ratio of sign to support that Soulard contributes as compared to the entire project. We request that any updated signage be updated to include the verbiage "Historic Soulard."
Second: Neil Putz
Motion passed as follows: Yay (9), Nay (1)
3. Updated Committee Liaisons
Beautification - Beth
PRT - Beth
Parlour Tour - Neil
Station - Ad hoc
Residential Promotion - Luann
Fundraising - Chris
Safety - Scott
Membership - Stephen
Communication - Billy
Twinkle Lights - Venessa
4. Combined Boards Meeting
The combined boards meeting took place on April 17, 2016. SBA, SSBD, MGI, and MGF were invited but SSBD was unable to participate due to their board meeting being scheduled simultaneously.
Given the invited boards, the event was well attended. Another event will be schedule in the fall to include the Girls and Boys Club, Frenchtown Dog Park, CID exploratory committee, and other sister organizations within Soulard.
Venessa K. has already been communicating with outside organizations, interest is present and other organizations are willing to host. Venessa will follow-up with coordination.
Treasurer Reports
The Treasurer will be meeting with each of committees and discussing their mission statement directly from the bylaws, their goals from the upcoming year, and related budgeting items. The Treasurer will be sending out an email, an excel spreadsheet with the numbers from last year, the proposed numbers for this year, and the goals for the year to each committee chair to ease the budgeting process.
Rather than just presenting the numbers from the previous year, including goals will allow the goals of the committee to be in line with the goals of the Board and SRG at large.
The goal is to add a qualitative element of discussion to a historically quantitative discussion. It also pulls committees out of any vacuum they are otherwise in and clarifies expectations between the Board and the Committees.
The Treasurer's report was available in hard copy for the Board.
Some accounting changes in Quickbooks were reflected on the Treasurer's report, to include the updated Square information and Fundraising sections.
Committee Reports
1. Communications and Fundraising (Billy Tomber):
Rick Dungey, Ann Chance, Dan Shields, Billy met with the New Belgium people for the Tour de Fat festival. Ann Chance is insistent that the SBA is involved. We are going to do 4 booths, across 2 shifts, with ten people per shift. 2-6 and 6-10. We are not responsible for light set-up and light breakdown. Saturday, June 10.
2. Beautification (Luann Denten):
The Molly's fundraiser is May 23, 2017. Saturday is the day of giving from SLU. May 25th is the nestle Purina giving back day at all of the parks throughout the neighborhood.
3. Code and Zoning (Beth Bennett):
See previous report regarding Whistler complex.
4. Membership (Beth Bennett):
The membership social is May 3rd at Howard's, 6:30 - 9:00. We will enter through the back to the front. A flyer to every resident of Soulard inviting membership to the SRG and inviting to the party.
5. Residential Promotions (Luann Denten):
June 24th is the Garden Tour. The Tour will proceed through 8-9 gardens are end in the wine garden at the Soulard Station. The Square is active and will be active within the week on the soulard.org website.
A semi truck drove through left hand productions. This will delay the availability of the online store and brick and mortar store. A limited amount of merchandise is available and is stored at Luann Denten’s home.
6. Safety (Scott Plackemeier):
The camera project continues. The safety committee will look at pricing LED lights.
7. MGI (Billy Tomber and Gary Toribio):
No report given.
8. Parlor Tour (Mike Ziemann/Billy Tomber):
No report given.
9. Soulard Station (Neil Putz):
The Station needs to not be rented until the ad hoc committee meets to clarify any potential usage policy.
10. Vices & Virtues (Luann Denten)
No report given.
Venessa K. motioned to adjourn, Neil P. seconded and the meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m.