May 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes May 2017 SRG Board Meeting
Date: May 24, 2017
Location: Soulard Station, 1911 S. 12th St.
Officers and Directors in Attendance: Beth Bennett, Bill Clendenin, Luann Denten, Venessa Kobrin, Scott Plackemeier, Neil Putz, Christopher Schwarz, Stephen Shuman, Billy Tomber, Wade Weistreich, Melissa Whitson
Officers and Directors Absent: None
Guests: Gary Toribio, Sara Irlbeck, Richard Eaton, Julie Price, Jeane Kirby, Jay Gibbs
The meeting was called to order at 6:55 p.m. by President Wade Weistreich
Old Business
Whistler Apartment Project Update (Wade Weistreich)
Wade W. reported that due to financial restrictions, the owners of the Whistler Apartments had decided to go with their original plan which was approved by the Board of Alderman.
There will be no underground parking which puts the parking ratio at 0.75.
New Business
Mardi Gras Inc. Board Position
The SRG has one Mardi Gras, Inc. board position vacancy. This person will serve as a representative of the SRG on the Mardi Gras, Inc. board for a term of three years.
Several individuals have expressed interest in the position: Gary Toribio, Luann Denten, Sara Irlbeck, Lisa Otke and Lisa Marlinghaus. Gary Toribio, Luann Denton, and Sara Irlbeck appeared in person to address the board. Lisa Otke sent a written correspondence to the board.
The current MGI board selection criteria were adopted in May 2010 and are as follows:
1) The proposed SRG member shall be, or have been in the previous three years, a Committee Chair and/or an SRG Board member.
2) Shall not be a current SRG Executive Board member (President, president-elect, Secretary, Treasurer) and shall not take such office during the
term of MGI board service.
3) Shall not serve more than two full terms, or six years - whichever is greater.
4) Shall submit a verbal or written proposal for the candidate’s involvement with the MGI Board and present in person to the SRG Board for discussion and questions.
Motion: Billy Tomber motions to suspend the 2010 MGI board selection rules for the 2017 appointment.
Second: Venessa Kobrin
Amendment: Venessa Kobrin made an amendment to eliminate all 2010 MGI board member selection rules and to replace them with newly developed 2017 rules.
Second: Billy Tomber
Billy Tomber then withdrew his original motion in favor of the amendment. Billy Tomber called for a vote.
The motion passed as follows: Yay (10), Nay (0), Abstained (1)
Motion: Billy Tomber motions to create the 2017 MGI board selection criteria:
1) The proposed shall be an SRG member in good standing.
2) Shall not be a current SRG Executive Board member (President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer) and shall not seek that position during the term of the MGI board service.
3) Is known to the SRG president to display knowledge and loyalty and will serve in the best interest of the SRG.
Second: Christopher Schwarz
The motion passed as folows: Yay (9), Nay (0), Abstained (2)
Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Presentations
Beautification (Richard Eaton)
1. Plant, maintain and beautify neighborhood parks and green spaces
2. Plant, maintain and water street pots with a goal to reduce water expense and
encourage residence and business to maintain some of the pots
3. Produce a successful art in the garden tour and auction
4. Host a successful Mollys annual beautification fundraiser
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $15,200 and the proposed income is $14,200 leaving the committee with a $1,000 deficit. New expense includes adding wrought iron fencing to the Soulard Station, the length of Gravois.
Membership (Julie Price)
1. Have an overall increase in SRG membership this fiscal year by 100 people
2. Establish three new recruitment events: Founder’s Day Picnic Aug 12 or 13, Brunch,
End of summer party at Pontiac Park
3. Host one special event sponsored by membership
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $8350 and the proposed income is $4559.13 leaving the membership committee with a $3790.87 deficit.
Parlour Tour (Jeanne Kirby)
1. Establish Ghost sign tour 2. Maintain current Parlour tour performance 3. Maintain relationships with sponsors and increase sales
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $10,008.50 and the proposed income is $$20,775 leaving the Parlour tour committee with a surplus of $10,766.50.
Code and Zoning (PRT) (Jay Gibbs)
1. Construction/Rehab award plaques. to award 10 plaques within the next 12 months
2. Continue tho review architectural plans as submitted
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $1100 and the proposed income is $0 leaving the PRT/Code and zoning committee with a deficit of $1100. There are no plans for fundraising however, there was interest in Soulard businesses offsetting the cost of the award plaques.
Safety (Scott Plackemeier)
Goals 1. Establish quarterly awarded officer incentives of $25 Molly’s gift card
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $600 and the proposed income is $720 leaving a surplus of $120.
Communications (Venessa Kobrin)
1. Expand Communication committee membership including a graphic artist
2. Establish Movie Night in Pontiac Park consisting of 1-3 movies geared toward an adult audience instead of children. 1 movie geared toward a family audience.
3. Begin the process of recording Soulard history using an audio interview format.
The subject will be the piece of architecture with interviews of people residing at, previously residing at, rehabbed, and historical figures
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $2975 and the proposed income is $0 leaving a deficit of $2975. Once the programs are up and running, there will be income associated with the Movie Night events.
Soulard Holiday Decorating (Venessa Kobrin)
Goals 1. Decorate Soulard Station, Gazebo, Pontiac Park and Market Park Establish electric access at Aboussie Park
2. Solicit and secure donations, inventory donated items, purchase reusable decorations and solar LED lights
3. Establish annual fundraiser
4. Host lighting party at Soulard Station to include representation from all SRG committees, SBA, MGI, GSGCBC, SSBD, CID
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $3700 and the proposed income is $0 leaving a deficit of $3700. As this is the first year for the committee, there will be start up cost that will be markedly decreased in the upcoming years. There will also be future fundraising in FY19 and going forward.
Soulard Station (Venessa Kobrin)
1. Establish a usage policy
2. Lower utility by at least 50% of FY17 by cancelling cable, trash and recycle, and adding kitchen blinds
3. Complete fencing and large-scale plantings along Gravois to 12 street
4. Complete necessary building maintenance: garage door repair, stucco repair, protective chair railing
5. Establish Station fundraiser (Halloween Party)
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $12,750 and the proposed income is $5,300 leaving a deficit of $7450. New expenses include fencing and station repairs/ improvements which will be offset some by the Halloween fundraiser.
Residential Promotion (Luann Denten)
1. Recognition of Soulard as a residential area
2. Move merchandise sales to an online format
3. Establish historical signage project which will begin with 20 locations with gathered historical verbiage approved by Cultural Resources, install 20 markers
4. Increase participation of families and children at child centric events (e.g. Santa comes to Soulard and Halloween Golf Cart Parade)
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $21,500 and the proposed income is $20,000 leaving a deficit of $1,500. New expenses include the historical signage project.
Fundraising (Billy Tomber)
1. Smooth leadership handover from Rick Dungey
2. Grow Soulard Concert Series committee and establish baseline of attendance
3. Maintain regular event support
4. Increase wreath sales by 20%
5. Increase communication between SRG and SBA for cooperatively executed events (e.g. Tour de Fat and Octoberfest)
The proposed expenses for FY18 are $15,600 and proposed income is $34,150 leaving a surplus of $18,550.
Motion: Venessa Kobrin motions to accept the 2018 Fiscal Year Budgets as presented and explained by the committee chairman with edits which were discussed and approved.
Second: Neil Putz
In-Favor: All
Treasurer Reports
The Treasurer presented several reports for review by the Board. The Treasurer was pleased to report the budget had been reconciled in the black.
Committee Reports
All committee reports given in conjunction with budget presentations.
Venessa K. motioned to adjourn, Neil P. seconded and the meeting adjourned at 11:32 p.m.