January 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
Date: January 18, 2017
Location: Soulard Station, 1911 S. 12th St.
Officers in Attendance: Beth Bennett, Bill Clendenin, Luann Denten, Venessa Kobrin, Scott Plackemeier, Neil Putz, Christopher Schwarz, Billy Tomber, Wade Weistreich
Officers Absent: Gary Toribio, Mike Ziemann
The meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m. by President Bill Clendenin
Old Business
- Soulard Community Improvement District
Bill Clendenin attended the most recent CID meeting and discussed the motions and proposals from the last SRG Board meeting with the CID steering committee. Bill C noted that it was still not clear if Alderman Ken Ortmann has been approached regarding support.. Luann Denten approached Ken Ortmann directly and was told a) that he had not been approached regarding support for the CID and b) that as a sponsor of the Cherokee Street CID he would be supportive of the Soulard CID.
Bill noted that the recently enacted Missouri Constitutional Amendment 2 bans campaign contributions by corporations. The SRG is a nonprofit corporation. Accordingly, there is a question as to whether the SRG can contribute funds to support enactment of the CID’s sales tax, which will require a vote of the registered voters in the boundaries of the CID. . More research will have to be done to accurately resolve this question.
The information regarding the potential support of Ken Ortmann, and associated inclusion of the other half of Soulard, does not change the previously passed motions nor the full support of the SRG Board.
The strategy of determining the boundaries of the CID involves not only the inclusion of a given area but also the ability to collect the necessary signatures to enact the CID.
Bill C will prepare a draft resolution of the CID, for consideration of the CID’s Board, stating that the expansion of the Soulard CID be considerednot later than redistricting and that the Soulard CID not duplicate SRG events or activities.
2. Station Transition
The Soulard Station Committee transition meeting has not yet occurred. The Board will continue to hold for the Station Committee’s recommendations, with the understanding that any such recommendations must be made by the February Board meeting.
The status of the programmed thermostat was brought up by Venessa Kobrin. The current settings of the thermostat range between 62 and 70 degrees for a building that is no longer being used as an event space nor being rented out. The Ameren bill paid this month was $338.00. A solution could be a Nest thermostat being purchased and installed at the Soulard Station. Missouri is currently offering a rebate for Nest thermostats, with the deadline for purchase and installation being February 28, 2017 (https://www.ameren.com/missouri/energy-efficiency/residential/smart-thermostat-faqs). Purchasing and installing the Nest thermostat would allow the temperature to be kept at a significantly lower level and raised prior to a meeting, without a committee or board member physically attending to the temperature. The temperature could also be lowered and monitored outside of the Station, to ensure fiscal responsibility as well as conservation of resources. Another question was raised regarding the overall monthly utility expenses of the Station, with the average monthly utility expenses being $752.44. These expenses, and the necessity of each, will be addressed with the Station Committee when their meeting takes place.
3. Mayoral Candidates
After discussion, and given interest by the mayoral candidates, the SRG will accommodate mayoral candidates addressing the SRG general membership at the February and/or March meetings. This will take place between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., which ensures that the time allocated will be concrete due to the 7:30 p.m. start of the meeting. The general membership can decide if they choose to attend the mayoral candidate appearances at 7:00 or come at 7:30. We will ensure that this updated schedule will be relayed to the neighborhood at large via the Blaster, NextDoor and Facebook.
Treasurer Reports
The Treasurer presented several reports for review by the Board. The Treasurer is also continuing quarterly, pre-and post-event meetings with committee chairs.
Committee Reports
1. Communications and Fundraising (Billy Tomber):
The Renaissance has already gone to print and will be delivered the week of the 24th.
The website reflects all current events and information.
The Smarti-Gras raffle, in lieu of salient auction, is being backed by the Membership Committee. The event is a week from Saturday and is January 28th.
2. Beautification (Luann Denten):
Beautification has not yet finalized the bids for the concrete pad and the moving of the lion sculptures. Now that the holiday season has passed, Beautification will again
3. Code and Zoning (Beth Bennett):
No report given.
4. Membership (Beth Bennett):
The Membership Committee has been working on the raffle for Smarti-Gras. The Membership Committee would like to start incentivizing the hosting of the socials and offer a $50.00 reimbursement to the hosts.
Luann D. motions that the SRG Board supports the residential hosts of socials by creating a stipend of $50.00 per social, offered on behalf of the Membership Committee to support residential hosts.
Second: Billy Tomber
Passed: All
5. Residential Promotions (Luann Denten):
Residential Promotion is moving ahead with the signage project. Residential Promotion will be hosting two potluck events at Pontiac Park. All Soulard merchandise will be listed online, linked form the soulard.org website.
Last year a grassroots Fat Tuesday parade was started. This was not an SRG event and there are no ordinances against a procession. A question of SRG taking on this event was raised. A determination was made that the event will be promoted via SRG outlets but that the event will remain a grassroots function.
6. Safety (Scott Plackemeier):
6/10 of the cameras are up and the last 4 will be up in the near future. A question of the state of shuttles operated by bars along 9th Street and other streets will be addressed
7. MGI (Billy Tomber and Gary Toribio):
No report at this time.
8. Parlor Tour (Mike Ziemann/Billy Tomber):
No report given.
9. Soulard Station (Neil Putz):
Report covered in previous segment.
Venessa K. motioned to adjourn, Wade W. seconded and the meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m.