December 2016 Board Meeting Minutes
Date: December 21, 2016
Location: Soulard Station, 1911 S. 12th St.
Officers in Attendance: Beth Bennett, Bill Clendenin, Luann Denten, Venessa Kobrin, Scott Plackemeier, Neil Putz, Christopher Schwarz, Billy Tomber, Wade Weistreich, Mike Ziemann
Officers Absent: Gary Toribio
The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by President Bill Clendenin
New Business
1. Introduction of Billy Tomber
Jackie Parker has informed the Board that she will not be able to continue to manage all the duties that she has undertaken over the years including, but not limited to, the Editor-in-Chief of the Renaissance, sitting Board Member, and manager of the Blaster and social media updates. Billy is a previous editor of the Renaissance, a past-president and previous Board member. Jackie P. has proposed that the editor duties be split between herself and Billy T. Jackie will be Editor-in-Chief and Billy T. will be Executive Editor-Board Member. The Board finds this solution to be a good use of resources and continuity for both the Renaissance and the Board.
Old Business
Soulard Community Improvement District
At this point in time, the CID project is in the awareness and advertising phase prior to the signature and voting phase. Bill C. spoke at length regarding the need for the CID. This evening, the CID committee members are asking the SRG Board for both their support as well as monies to assist in covering the start-up costs. This CID is set-up to include as much business density as possible.
A question was raised regarding the use of SRG funds for a project that only includes half of Soulard. There was also a question of redistricting raised in regard to the adding of the other half of Soulard that is, at this time, excluded from the petition. Billy T. stated that this could be included in the bylaws of the CID as well including both Billy T. and Bill C. on record as stating that the CID will formally explore expansion at a later date. . The other issue that was raised was the SRG supplementing the CID start-up with a grant as opposed to a loan, when the CID proceeds can only be used within the boundaries of the CID, which does not include the entire neighborhood.
As a condition to its support, the SRG could request that the bylaws or other organizational documents provide: (1) for the formal consideration of later expansion of the CID to cover the entire neighborhood, and (2) that the CID will refrain from duplicating activities that are currently engaged in by other neighborhood organizations (e.g., the functions carried out by the Plan Review Team and the Parlour Tour). A question was also raised as to the how to best include the excluded portion of the neighborhood in decisions and it seems that the best mechanism is via the SRG Appointed CID Director. It was strongly recommended that, until the inclusion of the entirety of Soulard into the CID, that the SRG Appointed CID Director reside or own a business in the excluded portion of the neighborhood.
A question was raised regarding the loan versus a grant for the funds that are being requested.
Associated motions:
a. Venessa Kobrin motions that the SRG endorses, supports and promotes the proposed Community Improvement District petition for Soulard. As a condition to the SRG’s
support of the sales tax vote, the SRG will have inclusion in the writing of the bylaws and specifically addressing the expansion of the district with the excluded half of Soulard into the CID in conjunction with redistricting.
Second: Beth Bennett
Passed: All
b. Venessa Kobrin motions that SRG offer a loan of not more than $5000 to the CID steering committee for promotional and educational materials to be used for the campaign, to be repaid within 6 months of the first tax collection, after the legal fees and any personal contributors are repaid.
Second: Wade Weistreich
Passed: 9 – 0, 1 abstained
Letter to GO! re: Halloween Half Marathon
The letter was previously sent to the Board members for amendments which will be
incorporated into the letter and submitted to the GO! Organization.
3. Station Transition
The Soulard Station committee will meet in January, prior to the SRG Board meeting. At that time the Station Board Liaison and the SRG President will relay the expectations of the Board for Station Committee in reference to the function of the Station. The Board members will report back to the Board and we will move forward from there, taking in to account any recommendations made by the Station Committee.
4. 1603-09 S. 9th Street Development
This development comes before the Board because it is a) more than eight units and b) would convert commercially zoned buildings to residential. There is ample parking for the eight units. Wade W. brought up the possibility of seeking a variance as opposed to rezoning.
A public meeting will be held in January and the Board will readdress in February.
Treasurer Reports
The Treasurer presented several reports for review by the Board.
Committee Reports
1. Communications and Fundraising (Billy Tomber):
The next deadline for the Renaissance is the 13th of January. The website is being updated as changes are made for the SRG as a whole. Thank you to all who came out to the Hot Chocolate run!
Smarti-Gras is scheduled for January 28th! Buy your tickets now! The event is looking for people to ask for and pick-up silent suction items.
2. Beautification (Luann Denten):
Beautification lost their watering person, who moved out of the neighborhood. Richard will be utilizing resources that he has, utilizing members of the committee for watering duty and planting plants that are less water dependent.
Beautification is also taking bids to move the lion sculptures into Pontiac Square Park.
3. Code and Zoning (Beth Bennett):
14th and Russell developers came to the last PRT meeting with all of the building materials. All building materials were approved by PRT.
4. Membership (Beth Bennett):
Julie Price is now the chair of the Membership Committee. Several new members have joined the Membership Committee.
5. Residential Promotions (Luann Denten):
Residential Promotion will now display and have their inventory available for sale in a storefront within the neighborhood.
Santa Comes to Soulard, even in the icy evening, was a success with around 45 participants. There was a charity project that was associated with Santa Comes to Soulard which was also very successful.
6. Safety (Scott Plackemeier):
6/10 of the cameras are up and the last 4 will be up in the near future.
7. MGI (Billy Tomber and Gary Toribio):
No report at this time.
8. Parlor Tour (Mike Ziemann/Billy Tomber):
Parlour Tour was quite a success and totaled numbers will follow in the coming meeting.
9. Soulard Station (Neil Putz):
Report covered in previous segment.
Mike Ziemann motioned to adjourn, Wade W. seconded and the meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.