Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 7PM

Minutes prepared by Abby Goodson, Secretary

Adriano Martinez, President; Amanda Ramcharan, President-Elect; Neil Putz, FY25 Treasurer; Abby Goodson, Secretary
Directors: Joy Christensen, Paula Dostal, Aaron Terry, Wade Weistreich

Abbey Bethel, Past President
Director: Beth Bennett, Alan Ziegler 

Soulard Station  |  1911 South 12th Street

Call to Order/Opening Remarks

Adriano Martinez called the meeting to order at 7:04pm, discussed the need to form an Adhoc Nomination Committee for elections, added that anyone interested in joining the committee should email him at, and noted that the Board will be looking to fill the following positions: President-Elect, Secretary, and three Director roles.

Secretary’s Report

Abby Goodson reported that a draft of the December board meeting minutes was circulated with the board for review via email and asked for a motion to approve. Aaron Terry motioned to approve. Wade Weistreich seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Neil Putz shared that the SRG is operating three separate bank accounts: 

Carrollton Bank Checking: $82,678.75
Carrollton Bank Savings: $10,124.58
Carrollton Bank Money Market: $12,708.67
Total: $105,512.00

Neil Putz announced that he met with Carolloton Bank to discuss investment options and is planning to convert our savings account into a second money market account, with an interest rate of about 3.06%. The Board discussed moving money from our checking account into the new money market account to earn interest.

Committee Roundtable

  • Beautification: Wade Weistreich said he followed up with Jeff Weitzel about the Board's hope for the committee to use Luke Reynolds' donation for public art by starting to work with potential artists or sculptors on concepts.

  • Community Involvement & Events (CI&E): No update.

  • Communications (ComCom): No update.

  • Development: No update.

  • Historical: No update.

  • Membership: Paula Dostal shared that their wine tasting event was postponed due to a conflict with a Mardi Gras event. The Board discussed ways to support the committee in getting people to sign-up to host the post-meeting socials, and some ideas included: allotting more cash for the host to procure food/beverage, reminding members that there is not an expectation for a lavish event, and throwing a special event/dinner at the end of the fiscal year for the 12 hosts to show our appreciation.

  • Parlour Tour: Joy Christensen said that we have some revised financial numbers from last month’s reporting in regard to the Parlour Tour:

    • 283 Parlour Tour Tickets Sold: $13,850

    • 24 Jingle Mingle Tickets Sold: $700

  • Planning Review Team (PRT): No update.

  • Properties/Station: Abbey Bethel shared three roofing quotes with the Board ahead of the meeting for review, and Neil Putz created a comparison chart to review the quotes side-by-side. After discussion, the Board agreed that a full roof replacement is not necessary and recommended spot repairs on the areas that are leaking, with a desire to get the work done by spring. Adriano Martinez will invite Bonita Leiber to the February Board Meeting to discuss next steps for the roof repair.

  • Safety: No update.

Old Business

  • None.

New Business

  • Amanda Ramcharan noted that she would like to see more collaboration among committees and Aaron Terry recommended that we host a meeting or retreat with committee chairs and board members.


  • Joy Christensen motioned to adjourn at 8:14 pm. Paula Dostal seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 

Action Items

  • Abby Goodson will include a blurb about the open board positions in the February Blaster in case someone from general membership is interested in running for President-Elect, Secretary, or one of the three Director positions.

  • Abby Goodson will include more information about Soulard being a historic district on SRG social media, so that people are aware.

  • Adriano Martinez will send an email to all committee chairs asking if they are interested in joining the Adhoc Nomination Committee.

  • Adriano Martinez will invite Bonita Leiber to the February Board Meeting to discuss next steps for the roof repair.

  • Adriano Martinez will create a table/spreadsheet that includes the current board members, their position titles, and the date of their terms so that the Adhoc Nomination Committee knows which roles will be open and when.

  • Adriano Martinez and Amanda Ramcharan will work to plan a meeting or retreat with board members and committee chairs to foster collaboration. 

  • Neil Putz will continue the discussion with Carrollton Bank about opening a second money market account and will do more research about any potential limitations.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 7pm
