June 7, 2023

By Elizabeth Henry


Abbey Bethel, President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

1. Opening Remarks

Abbey introduced herself to General Membership along with the new Board: President-Elect

Adriano Martinez, Treasurer Debby Brown, Secretary Liz Henry, and 7 directors: Margi Koors,

Stephen Shuman, Craig Markham, Abby Goodson, Amanda Ramcharan, Aaron Terry, and Connie


Abbey also recognized Officer Dilg and Qiana Baxton who were in attendance. [Secretary Note:

Alderwoman Cara Spencer arrived during the meeting.]

2. Committee Reports

A. Membership

Julie Price, Membership Committee Chair, asked new members to come forward and

introduce themselves. Julie noted membership rosters would be distributed in July and to

contact Veronica Putz in order to opt out. She also requested that people leave the yard

signs in place, and if they picked them up in an effort to be helpful to please give them to

Julie Dinkleman.

B. Safety

Andrea Maddox-Dallas, Safety Committee Chair, noted that much had been accomplished

to date. Subcommittees have been created and new recruits are welcome, particularly

tech-savvy members. During the committee’s most recent safety walk, over forty

streetlights were discovered to be out, and Ameren fixed them.

Andrea noted that steering wheel locks (“clubs”) are encouraged and available courtesy of

the SSBD. Two clubs are permitted per household.

National Night Out is October 3 rd . There will be a First Responder Brunch in the fall, too.

C. Beautification

Richard Eaton, Beautification Committee Chair, recognized Margi Koors and Veronica Putz

for their efforts coordinating the upcoming Art & Floral Auction fundraiser to take place

August 5 th . He also noted that the Committee has finished planting all forty three pots in

their jurisdiction and will be receiving assistance from the CID for watering them.

D. Communications

Meghan Merle, Committee Member, presented that they had been making progress on the

new SRG website. They are partnering with other committees on the content.

E. Community Involvement & Events

Stephen Shuman, Board Member and Liaison to the CI&E committee, announced that they

are still seeking a committee chair. In the meantime, he encouraged the general

membership to nominate fellow SRG members for this year’s royalty for Bastille Day. At the

next Board Meeting, the name will be selected from the nominations at random.

F. Development

Jim Dallas, Development Committee Chair, noted that his committee was formerly known

as the Fundraising Committee. His mission is to raise money and hopes to learn more about

grants and merchandise to take pressure off of events for fundraising. He encouraged

members to contact him if they would like to join him in these efforts, particularly for the

upcoming beer booths to be set up at Oktoberfest and Mardis Gras.

G. Historical

Veronica Putz, Historical Committee Chair, announced that the house history research

services are underway, with two books recently delivered, two more to be delivered this

month, and two more on deck. She also noted that they met with former Soulard residents

to discuss their experiences growing up in the neighborhood; her notes from these

conversations will be in a future Renaissance article.

A new initiative to be included in the FY24 budget will be a photosharing project pairing

photos from the 1900s with current photos of the same location. The index will be

organized by city block.

H. Parlour Tour

Stephen Shuman, liaison to the Parlour Tour as well, confirmed that they would continue

the new format of limiting the Tour to just one day.

I. Plan Review Team

Walker Hamilton, PRT Committee Chair, acknowledged the fire at the Allen Street church.

He noted that the church is not in danger of collapsing. He reviewed some properties with

development activity on his radar. The property on 1002 was split into two parcels (now

1000 and 1002 Barton).

J. Soulard Station

Bonita Leiber, Soulard Station Chair, recognized Chris Koehler for his work on the property

and expressed appreciation as well to Tom Murphy. Bonita recalled the words of Arlo

Guthrie: Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow.

Her big update is that with approval from the Board, an extended fence will be installed to

help protect the property. She also appealed to membership for committee help with

electronics in particular: cameras, thermostats.

3. Treasurer’s Report

Debby Brown, Treasurer, noted that going into fiscal year-end, the SRG has $81,000 in cash.

4. Secretary’s Report

Abbey Bethel requested a motion to approve the April meeting minutes drafted by previous

Secretary Chris Currington. Becca so moved, and Julie Price seconded. With no opposition or

abstentions, the motion passed unanimously.

5. Soulard Neighborhood Organizations

A. Soulard Business Association (SBA)

New member Levi stepped up to present details on Soulard Pride activities.

Laura Leister, along with Jim Lettau and Shawn Caruso, presented the Business Passport.

Each business gets a cut of the $35 purchase price. If you get all 41 stamps from the 41

businesses participating, you enter a raffle for VIP tickets to Ocktoberfest.

B. Community Improvement District (CID)

Terry Hoffman, Soulard CID Chairman, presented that speed humps are coming. The traffic

calming plan is being adjusted to incorporate protections for cyclists. He recognized Nancy

Lambert and Jim Dallas for spearheading the work needed to bring the whole neighborhood

into the CID boundaries. Visit SoulardCID.org for more information.

C. Soulard Special Business District (SSBD)

Shawn Caruso presented for the SSBD. He noted that the car steering wheel clubs are paid

for and available and to please pick some up for yourself. He noted that if every car has a

club, thieves will stop coming to the neighborhood to steal cars. He also encouraged

members with security cameras to opt in to the safety committee’s camera program.

D. Mardis Gras, Inc. (MGI)

Nancy Lambert presented for the MGI. She noted Margi Koors is the newest SRG-appointed

member and recognized Gary Toribio for his twelve years of service on the MGI Board.

Nancy encouraged members to submit ideas to improve the Mardis Gras experience for

next year.

E. Crime Report

Officer Kevin Dilg of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Third District Police

Liaison, reviewed a crime report. He noted that year to date, crime is down 26%. Video

submissions from neighborhood cameras helped identify suspects in crimes committed,

reiterating the Safety Committee’s camera program. He also echoed earlier messaging to

please pick up a steering wheel club. Additionally, he wants residents to be strategic about

package deliveries.

Officer Dilg fielded questions from membership about when to call 911. Ultimately, he asks

that Soulard residents always call 911 if they hear gunshots or believe a crime is being

committed – not just for life or death. It also creates a record of the crime.

F. Alderwoman Update

Cara Spencer provided updates from her Board. In the City budget, she is advocating for

filling potholes, maintaining city lights, and increasing tows. AirBNB regulation is on her

radar, and she welcomes neighborhood involvement. She also has an ordinance to address

brandished weapons in an open carry state.

6. President Remarks

Abbey Bethel noted that the SRG budgeting process is underway for FY24. The Board will review

Committee budgets in its June meeting and will ask general membership to approve the annual

budget in July.

Abbey also noted that the July general membership meeting would be held on July 12 th to

accommodate the July 4 th holiday.

Abbey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Stephen Shuman made the motion. Jeremy Merhle

seconded. All voted in favor. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 8:39 pm.


