March General Membership Meeting

March 1, 2023

DRAFT Minutes

Board Members present included: Michael Pastore, President; Abbey Bethel, President-Elect; Chris Currington, Secretary; Craig Markham, and Karen Moske.  

Committee Chairs present included: Richard Eaton, Beautification; Brenton Henry, Communications; Julie Price, Historical; and Julie Price, Membership.  

Elected Officials and Special Guests included: Officer Kevin Dilg, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and Soulard Liaison; and Dan Guenther, Alderman, Ward 9.  

Michael Pastore called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. 

1. Membership Committee

Julie Price, Membership Committee Chair, welcomed new members and visitors. She explained the bingo game (numbers would be drawn after each chair’s report) and how the membership fees work. There are currently ~370 active SRG members. Julie then reminded attendees to check to make sure they’re dues are paid. 

Julie said there was information about the Star (award) nominations on each of the tables. The Membership Committee recognizes members who go above and beyond as volunteers. However, SRG members can only receive the Star award once. The deadline for nominations is March 24. 

Julie said the social (gatherings after the General Membership Meeting) would be at Bob and Karen Moske’s house. If anyone is interested in hosting a social, they should talk to the Membership Committee. Michael thanked Julie. 

2. Upcoming Board Elections

Michael Pastore turned the meeting over to Abbey Bethel, President-Elect, to discuss the upcoming SRG Board election. Abbey said that the election will open in April, and people can vote at the April General Membership Meeting. The election is going to be electronic. Only members in good standing can vote, and the electronic election will help ensure that only those members vote. 

Abbey then went through the list of candidates. She also discussed how many votes per household (if anyone is a member in good standing, then they get one vote; households get two votes; seniors get one vote; and Friends of Soulard are not eligible to vote). For the electronic voting, the link will only be sent to those members in good standing. 

3. Mardi Gras Beer Booth

Michael Pastore said that SRG had the beer booth after this year’s Mardi Gras Grand Parade. It was a phenomenal success, and there were a bunch of young people there who were busy and worked very hard. Michael thanked everyone who volunteered. 

4. Soulard Community Garden

Abbey Bethel said that there would be a meeting coming up March 8, and John Hamilton would be discussing the plots at the Soulard Community Garden. 

5. Board of Alderman

Michael Pastore said that the election for the St. Louis Board of Alderman was coming up. Soulard is incorporated into one ward now, and while SRG does not endorse one candidate, it does endorse people going out and voting. Dan Guenther, Alderman, Ward 9 (not running for election) said it was important to note that Soulard would be part of the new Ward 8, and he discussed the boundaries. 

Abbey Bethel said there was a forum scheduled for the next evening from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Information was sent in The Blaster (SRG newsletter). 

6. Committee Reports

  a. Beautification

Richard Eaton, Beautification Committee Chair, said he had three things:

    i. Last fall, students from Principia School planted many hundred daffodils at Pontiac Square Park and those daffodils are coming up.

    ii. The committee is working with volunteers on opportunities at Pontiac Square Park.

    iii. There have been conversations about the signage in the park and the planting pots on the corners. Some of the pots are disappearing, so the committee is discussing how to mark them (signage) with decals. 

  b. Communications

Brenton Henry, Communications Committee Chair, reminded everyone where to find the bios of the candidates running for the SRG Board. If people don’t receive the ballot, they were encouraged to email, or attend the April SRG General Membership Meeting and vote. 

Brenton discussed moving the Google Workspace, and for anyone who receives email from a address, everything will be the same. 

There was a discussion about sending/dropping photos of Soulard events. There was also a discussion about a public forum for anyone who had comments, questions, complaints, and suggestions about Mardi Gras. Michael Pastore said it would be good for members to show up. 

  c. Plan Review Team

Jay Gibbs, former Plan Review Team Committee Chair, said that he received a message from Walker Hamilton, Plan Review Team Committee Chair, that he would not be able to attend. Jay said there’s one big project being talked about – a large apartment complex outside of the SRG’s boundaries. The Soulard School also needs a Conditional Use Permit for its kitchen. 

  d. Historical 

Veronica Putz, Historical Committee Chair, said all updates from the committee were in The Blaster. 

7. Crime Report

Officer Kevin Dilg, from the St. Louis Police Department, gave the crime report. Officer Dilg said there were only seven arrests at Mardi Gras for minors-in-possession. The neighborhood crime reports were printed and put on the tables. Officer Dilg also reminded attendees that Hyundai is offering free upgrades to their antitheft system. 

8. Adjourn

Brenton Henry made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Craig Markham seconded the motion. 

All voted in favor of adjourning the meeting at 8:11 p.m.


