January Board Meeting
Jan. 18, 2023
DRAFT Minutes
1. Call to Order
Michael Pastore called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Board Members present included: Michael Pastore, President; Chris Currington, Secretary; Jim Dallas, Past President; Nancy Lambert; Karen Moske; and Stephen Shuman. Abbey Bethel, President-Elect; Debby Brown, Treasurer; Margi Koors; and Craig Markham joined via Zoom.
General Member John Haas asked and attended the meeting.
Special Guest: Terry Hoffman, Chairman, Community Improvement District (CID).
2. Expanding the CID
Michael Pastore introduced Terry Hoffman. Terry thanked everyone for inviting him to spend time to discuss the expansion of the CID. He was asked to keep it simple, but expanding the CID is anything but simple. Terry’s goal was to try to communicate the process to expand the CID to include more areas. The following is what Terry discussed:
* It would be the SRG Board’s decision to expand the CID (Terry provided handouts).
* The creation of the current CID started back in 2010, but the process really started in 2016 when Terry was asked to be involved in the Steering Committee and soliciting volunteers, discussing boundaries, and engaging attorneys to create petition that homeowners would sign.
* There were about 600 properties included in the boundary, and then petitions printed that every property owner had to sign; the petition had their personal property on it.
* The process to get petitions signed started in 2017; however, 2017 was an assessment year and all petitions had to be changed and reprinted.
* Every petition has an assessment of the value of the property before it’s signed; this is a matter of public record (there was a reprinting in 2019, and a lot of people challenged their property values).
* Sometimes, the volunteers had to go back a third time to get signatures; it took 30 volunteers and three notaries to get signatures, representing 55 property owners and 60% of assessed value – this threshold was important. However, the volunteers were able to get more than that signed, and when there’s a formal request to form a CID, all petitions have to be validated by the city; if not, the petition is thrown out. If a certain percentage is thrown out, then it was a waste of time.
* All signed petitions were completed in June of 2019, representing 23 months from the first official printing of petitions to when they were submitted.
* After this, the ordinance gets created, which took seven weeks, required a mail-in election to accept (vote for or against the CID), and another eight weeks after that; after this, it was certified and tax collection could begin in January 2020.
* Start to finish to complete the current Soulard CID took 27 months and cost ~$70,000; the attorney’s fees were pro bono until taxes were collected; after taxes collected, then fees paid to the attorneys.
* If the CID expands, it shouldn’t be more than half of the ~$70,000.
* Given the timing it took to create the CID, and then COVID-19, there wasn’t anything at that time that could have happened with expanding the CID
* The Missouri Department of Revenue, based on taxes paid by the businesses, gives the CID 1%; when a business starts in the CID, they will file with the Department of Revenue, know what taxes to charge; etc.
* Moving forward and amending the CID, Terry referred to the handouts; it would be another two-year process (planning, four-five months; petition, three months; signing petitions, 10 months; validation, two months; amending ordinance, two months; and then time delayed until scheduled with Department of Revenue); it would be 2025 before additional revenue from expanding the CID would be realized.
* There are some external factors at play, such as the alderman, which is changing in 2023; they sponsor creating CIDs.
* There was a question about which business to include in the CID; Terry said that would need to be discussed, because it doesn’t make a lot of sense to go through the trouble without additional sources of revenue.
* The current Mayor is not very pro-CID and SBD, and neither is Megan Green (President, St. Louis Board of Alderman); the Board of Alderman have to approve and the mayor has to sign.
* There was a question about SRG’s involvement with the CID’s creation; Terry said SRG reimbursed for some costs, like printing petitions, and many Steering Committee members were from SRG.
* There was a question about the best time to the start the process; Terry said July of 2023, giving the most amount of time once the new assessed values become public; but then timing and then next June (2024) is when properties are assessed again, so may be better to wait until 2025, or compress the timeline.
* The mayor’s approval at this point is a big question, however, it may not be that difficult since the CID is already created.
* There was a discussion about the maps, business that are currently included in the CID, and what wasn’t included.
* If the SRG Board feels strongly about this, then SRG should come to a CID meeting with a work plan and timeline and present how it’s going to get done with the CID’s help; what was provided in the handouts was what SRG does, what the CID does, etc.
* There were then questions about capacity; the CID is only seven board members and no volunteers to tap into.
* There was a question if we are already behind and should start in 2025; Terry said it’s important for the SRG Board to understand that it’s a complicated process, needs to be thought out and planned through, or it won’t get done.
Michael said there was a lot of information to go through, and thanked Terry for laying the process out and talking it through. There was a question about the CID’s next meeting. It meets the first Monday of every month at 5 p.m. The next meetings will be at Molly’s or Protagonist.
Michael asked Terry Hoffman about SRG requiring Certificates of Insurance and CID’s decision not to meet at the Soulard Station any longer. Terry said he felt there are many places to meet in the neighborhood where a proof of liability insurance doesn’t need to be shown. He understands the business reasons why SRG wants to mandate the COI, but the CID is a neighborhood group and it’s here to meet about issues and opportunities. Terry didn’t think it was worth having to show proof of insurance when the CID can meet in other areas of the neighborhood.
Gary Toribio, not getting into a bunch of details, asked if the CID would still like to meet at the Soulard Station if SRG didn’t have and insurance requirements. Terry said, if that was the case, he would talk to the CID board about it.
There was then a discussion about the validity of the COI and the validity of the CID meeting elsewhere.
Margi Koors said that she wanted to go on record by saying that groups that have used the Soulard Station in the past should be grandfathered in and the insurance requirement shouldn’t apply to them. She wasn’t aware the extent of the COI rules and their impact to groups using the Soulard Station. Jim Dallas reminded meeting attendees that the Board voted to ask the groups to get their insurance coverage.
Terry left the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Michael said that the proper way to go, in the future, is if we want to pursue expanding the CID, then it would be 2025. Nancy Lambert said that she and Chris Currington (who don’t currently reside in the CID) are rotating off the SRG Board, and the Board needs to consider new members who will support the CID’s expansion. Chris Currington asked who outside of this Board meeting know this conversation is even happening. Jim said that there needs to be town halls, ask who’s interest, etc. Stephen Shuman said that his main concern is the volunteers and the amount of work that needs to be done. SRG is at a volunteer deficit already and there are high priorities to fulfill. Nancy said the Board should want the community to do this a whole; CID has little interest unless SRG wants to do the work. Stephen said that, what the CID is saying is they don’t have the resources to devote to expanding the CID. Gary said it could almost be a detriment if this is an SRG Board issue because some think SRG is bad. It needs to be an independent group that SRG supports, but expanding the CID should not be under the SRG umbrella. Maybe it starts with a petition drive to see if people are interested and maybe who would offer to volunteer. Michael agreed with this idea. Chris said that this puts a lot of volunteer responsibilities on the people who don’t live in the CID. Abbey said that she thinks SRG needs to partner with people inside and outside the CID. Michael said the Board needs to process a lot of information before it can develop a plan to move forward.
Gary asked if the presentation can be put on the SRG website and let anyone interested look at it. Otherwise, how would the process be presented? Karen suggested something be included in The Renaissance (SRG newspaper). Michael suggested nothing be decided this evening; there’s a lot of information to go through and it will require more than just the SRG Board. Karen said that 2023 doesn’t look realistic. Everyone agreed and moved on with the agenda.
3. President’s Updates
a. The Clean Team
Michael Pastore met with Kim, at Trinity Lutheran Church who’s taken the Clean Team. She’s been there a year and she’s still trying to focus on what the team does and expand it. Kim doesn’t have an operation plan at this point. Michael said SRG has partnered in the past, but we need some type of direction about where the program is going. There’s talk of the CID buying a van to transport the Clean Team, but Kim wasn’t sure about that either (the van, insurance, driver, etc.). Stephen Shuman suggested that Michael communicate with Kim that SRG would like to help in the future, and when they get to a planned state, to please approach SRG again.
b. Mardi Gras Beer Booth
Michael Pastore had a conversation with Billy Tomber (former long-term driving force) about having an SRG beer booth at Mardi Gras. There are two different approaches SRG can take.
i. As a grandfathered not-for-profit organization, SRG can buy our own beer, build a bar, put up a tent, gather volunteers, cups, ice, etc.; clean up after, and SRG gets 100% of profit. Or…
ii. Mardi Gras Inc. (MGI) can come in, set up the tent, build the bar, provide the beer, etc., but SRG only gets 25% of the profit.
Michael said that, since SRG hasn’t had a beer booth since 2015, if we use the MGI option (ii), we would need a lot less people, and would make money later, though it will be less profit. However, SRG does get to keep the tips, even if given electronically. Julie Price has offered SRG her location at 11th and Russell, upstairs has the apartment with a bathroom, and a fenced in back yard. Jim Dallas had a discussion with Julie, and it will cost about $500 to rent her facility. But the decision needs to be made quickly.
There was a discussion about the number of volunteers needed, time the booth would be open, time of shifts, who was open to volunteering, and who wasn’t.
Craig Markham asked what the profit potential compares to what was done historically. Gary said what Julie is offering is a much better location. Michael said another reason for doing this is to try to get some new volunteers.
There was a discussion about going with the easier approach (ii) and then assessing for next year if we want to go with the grandfathered non-profit organization approach (i). Craig said he supports this, provided Michael and Jim get the volunteers.
There was a question if the 25% is negotiable. It is nonnegotiable since MGI is taking the associated risks. Gary asked if MGI is requiring an insurance certificate. Jim said last year, the cost of the insurance certificate was $330.
Gary Toribio made the motion to accept the budget for the SRG beer booth at Mardi Gras (option ii, above). Karen Moske seconded the motion.
The vote was taken.
All voted in favor.
The motion to accept the budget for the SRG beer booth at Mardi Gras (option ii) passed.
c. Soulard Golden Ale
Michael said that SRG received a check from O’Fallon Brewery for the sale of the Soulard Golden Ale. The check was for $100. Savannah (at O’Fallon Brewery) is disappointed that the neighborhood isn’t selling the beer as anticipated. Margi Koors said we need to market it and make people aware. Michael said this was up to the bar or establishment. There was a discussion about other opportunities for selling it, like at concerts and other events, so we can push it.
d. Insurance
Michael Pastore said the issue of requiring a COI (see above) has come up a couple times and is causing angst. Gary Toribio, the Soulard Station Board Liaison, said he’s worked with Jim Dallas and Station co-chairs Bonita Leiber and Laura Grace on the policy for the Station’s use by members. Bonita called Gary and was upset because the Soulard CID (no longer using the Station for its meeting) is a valuable asset to the neighborhood, and rather than encouraging the use of the Station, we’re discouraging it from organizations that were using it.
There was a discussion about a conversation with John Shadley and his insights, as well as the details of the insurance requirement and to whom it applies.
e. Elected Officials and Candidates
Michael Pastore said that Kenneth Ortmann (running for the St. Louis Board of Alderman) would like to speak at an SRG General Membership Meeting. Michael will tell him that he can speak after the meeting because SRG does not endorse or oppose political candidates. Jim Dallas discussed the rules about candidates speaking. Karen Moske suggested this be covered by a Policy & Procedure in the manual, and we can point to that for future requests.
f. Upcoming SRG Board Elections
Michael Pastore said he wanted to discuss voting in person at the General Membership Meeting or online voting within a certain time period. Michael said he believes SRG should have in-person voting at a General Membership meeting. Veronica Putz can check off voting members (meeting attendees), they get a slip, fill it out, and then the votes are tallied. Because there are ~300 voting members, but only 30 come once a month to a meeting, those are the votes that we’d want. Karen Moske said that there are people who can’t come to meetings but they do volunteer. Stephen Shuman asked if there was a way that voting could be done according to the bylaws. Jim Dallas said that there’s a line in the bylaws that elections can be held electronically. Margi Koors said that if we can open the election to electronic voting, that’s just one thing we can do to loop people in and engage whose who don’t attend meetings. Michael said that if members don’t come to meetings, then they’re not engaged. Margi said that there are people with jobs and children that prevent them from attending. Chris Currington said that electronic voting is very common now. Karen asked if there needed to be a motion. Stephen said he looked at the bylaws, and if the Board elects to use electronic votes, then the Board must agree.
Nancy Lambert made the motion to have electronic voting for the upcoming SRG Board election. Stephen Shuman seconded the motion. There was no further discussion.
The vote was taken.
Seven Board members voted in favor of the motion. There was one abstention.
The motion to have electronic voting for the upcoming SRG Board election passed.
4. Board Member Reports
Debby Brown said that she’d received a letter received at the Soulard Station, addressed to Billy Tomber, from a law firm. The letter was about a “Soulard St. Louis” trademark, and Debby doesn’t know if it’s legitimate. Michael said he’d stop by Debby’s and pick it up. Debby said she’ll email it to the Board.
Abbey Bethel discussed the open chair positions for the Development and Community Involvement & Events committees. There may be someone interested in chairing the CI&E committee. There was then a discussion about this person’s time with SRG, commitment level, and the Board’s interest.
Chris Currington said that he circulated the draft of the November Board Meeting to the Board, received a couple minor changes, and asked for a motion to accept the minutes as final.
Karen Moske made the motion to accept the draft of the November Board Meeting minutes as final. Nancy Lambert seconded the motion.
The vote was taken.
All voted in favor of accepting the November Board Meeting Minutes as final.
Nancy Lambert said that, for the Parlour Tour, it ended up bringing in ~$13,965. Michael asked if anything is done for sponsors/volunteers other than a little advertising and free tickets to the Fete. Nancy said the Fete de Noel is a thank you.
Nancy said that, for the Safety Committee, Andrea Maddox-Dallas, Committee Chair, is asking that some money in her budget be reallocated. There’s $2,075 available and she’s used $1,110 for the Safety Walk, National Night Out, and the First Responder Breakfast at the American Legion. She would like permission to reallocate office supply money, and put $150 toward a committee membership drive at iTap – provide beer, pizza, and try to get some people involved. Andrea would like to have a kickoff for 2023 and announce it at the next General Membership Meeting. Michael asked if the amount was enough.
Karen Moske made the motion to allocate $300 to the Safety Committee 2023 kickoff meeting. Margi seconded the motion. Jim Dallas asked if this was a reallocation or new money. Stephen said the motion is to allow a reallocation of $300 to attain and retain members.
The vote was taken.
All voted in favor.
The motion to reallocate $300 to the Safety Committee 2023 kickoff meeting passed.
5. Executive Session
Jim Dallas and John Haas were thanked for their participation in the meeting and asked to leave before the motion to enter Executive Session.
Karen Moske made the motion to enter Executive Session. Nancy Lambert seconded the motion.
All voted in favor of entering Executive Session at ~9:25 p.m.
At the end of Executive Session, Karen Moske made the motion to exit. Nancy Lambert seconded.
All voted to exit Executive Session ~9:45 p.m.
Back in the meeting, Karen Moske made the motion to accept the slate of candidates for the upcoming SRG Board election. Nancy Lambert seconded the motion. There was no further discussion.
All voted in favor of accepting the slate of candidates for the upcoming SRG Board election.
6. Adjourn
Karen Moske made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Nancy Lambert seconded the motion.
All voted in favor of adjourning the meeting at 9:47 p.m.