June Board Meeting
June 15, 2022
Approved Minutes
1. Call to order and opening remarks
Board Members present included: Michael Pastore, President; Abbey Bethel, President-Elect; Debby Brown, Treasurer; Chris Currington, Secretary; Jim Dallas, Past President; Nancy Lambert (via Zoom); Karen Moske; Stephen Shuman; and Gary Toribio.
Board Members absent included: Margi Koors; and Craig Markham.
General Member present included: John Haas, who asked to and attended the meeting.
Michael welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending the meeting.
2. Concert update, including contract for second event
Michael Pastore said that Jim Dallas had secured the proper licensing, permits, approvals, porta-potties, and security for the upcoming June 25 concert in Soulard Market Park. Jim, Abbey Bethel, and Michael are working to secure beverages (Soulard Golden Ale, Bud Light, Budweiser Select, Cabernet, Chardonnay, etc.) for the concert.
Jim said there was a state liquor permit that needed to be submitted, and it should be done by the next Thursday.
The next concert – after the June 25 concert – will be Aug. 20. Jim sent the board the contract for the second concert and the second band, but those individual members would like to have individual checks. Debby asked if this was in the contract. Jim said it was. Gary asked a question about the contracts – 2% entertainers withholding tax. Jim said this was in the previous version that the Board approved/signed last year, but we don’t clearly understand what it is.
Michael asked for a motion to approve the contract for the band for the Aug. 20 concert.
Stephen Shuman made the motion to approve the contract for the band for the Aug. 20 concert. Abbey Bethel seconded the motion.
Michael asked if there was any discussion. There wasn’t any.
The vote was taken.
All voted in favor to approve the contract for the second band for the Aug. 20 concert. No votes opposed it.
The motion to accept the contract for the band for the Aug. 20 concert passed.
3. Budget Report
Debby Brown, Treasurer, said that through June 12, 2022, net income was ~$5,000; total revenue was ~$66,000; and the cash balance was ~$73,000. SRG is doing well financially. There were no questions and no discussion about the report.
4. Scooters
Michael Pastore introduced the topic of scooters (for rental/ride) in the neighborhood. Recently, St. Louis (downtown) banned the scooters after an evening time. Karen Moske said she’d heard/seen in the news – and residents have said – that there’s a noticeable increase in these scooters in neighboring downtown neighborhoods. Chris Currington said he has noticed an increase of scooter riders in the alleys.
Michael said that there’s video of scooter riders (five or six of them) in Lafayette Square throwing furniture into a swimming pool.
Steven Shuman asked if the scooter curfew made a difference downtown, because the GPS can shut them down, but people can still jailbreak them, so it doesn’t matter.
Karen said there was an increase of scooters placed in the neighborhood. Steven said the Board should approach the alderman and highlight the problems.
There was then a discussion of scooter riders, where they are riding and that they’re wearing masks,
Michael asked if, as a Board, we want to take a position and press the alderman. Jim asked if we are ready to recommend that the scooters be banned in the neighborhood, or limit the number and time allowed. Chris asked what benefit Soulard gets from the scooters. Karen said the scooters increase foot traffic for businesses. Steven said he never sees them serve the businesses, and people will still come to Soulard with or without the scooters.
There was then a discussion about the hazards from the scooters.
Michael said he would bring up scooters and the Board’s sentiment at the next General Membership meeting. Abbey asked if the subject could be brought up with the alderpersons before the meeting so they’d know ahead of time. Michael agreed.
Karen then asked if it would be worth discussing the scooters with Lafayette Square and Lasalle Park. Stephen said he’d like to see the same scooter limitations in downtown apply to other neighborhoods as well. There was then a discussion about the alderpersons affected areas and boundaries.
5. Soulard Special Business District (SSBD)
Michael Pastore said there’s an SSBD tax that’s paid by all the Soulard property owners who live in the district. Through that tax, we pay the officer that patrols the area in a car that SSBD bought. Michael raised the question about what effectiveness this patrol is having. There has been a lot of crime lately including carjackings and shootings. The SSBD has a substantial amount of money they aren’t spending; it got a check this week for $350,000.
Karen Moske asked if the area covered is only the Community Improvement District (CID). Michael said it was, and that this is a substantial amount of money (could pay for another car and another police officer, at a minimum).
There was then a discussion about what the patrol officer(s) can and won’t do because there are certain crimes that take them off the streets if they have to go downtown, file paperwork, etc. Michael also said there’s a lack of reporting/communication between the patrol officers and SRG. Jim Dallas said that we can still attend SSBD meetings and weigh in. Michael said that, in his opinion, SSBD is a quiet entity that should be bigger and louder; we’re all paying for it.
Karen said that, maybe as a Board, we need to investigate more. Gary said that Terry Hoffman (CID Chairman) could provide updates to the Board if we’d want to sit for that; Terry is willing to give an update and explain anything to us.
Stephen Shuman said that Beth Hoops (wife, member of the Communication Committee, and editor of The Renaissance) has received complaints about the patrol/cars. It’s not the first time anyone has asked what we’re getting out of the SSBD patrol.
Gary asked when the last time anybody in Soulard or SRG made a point to the alderpersons or mayor that they need to do something about the police situation in St. Louis. If we don’t say anything to them, they’re not going to react to us.
There was a discussion about having Michael ask Terry Hoffman to give an update at a future Board meeting, and what was in the SSBD’s online meeting minutes.
Nancy Lambert brought up the point that SSBD doesn’t cover all of Soulard; it stops at Sidney Street, so there’s potential crime in areas that aren’t patrolled. When there’s talk of crime in Soulard, it’s the whole neighborhood; but when we talk about SSBD, it’s just the area that it covers.
Stephen then reminded the Board that there are limitations to what the patrol can do, but these are good concerns to raise. Karen asked what their governing documents, rules, and regulations are. It was her impression that an off-duty cop had certain responsibilities (authority to arrest). Michael said he would be happy to look into all of this further. Gary suggested that the Board get familiar with SSBD’s website, founding ordinance, etc. Stephen also said members could reach out to Beth to get the abbreviated version of what’s happened over the last year and half.
6. Landmarks Association Grant
Michael Pastore said that, at the last Board meeting, the grant for the shutters for the Landmarks Association was discussed, but it was not voted on. Debby Brown said the Board thought Michael should be present (he wasn’t present at the previous meeting) for further discussion and vote.
Stephen Shuman asked if the donation should be from the Historical Committee because it was in their budget. His personal feelings are that the donations from SRG to a nonprofit organization should come from the Board. Michael said that the Historical Committee has no budget; the Board would have to vote to give the committee the money, then they’d have to donate it to the Landmarks Association.
Jim said the donation would be $2,160 for a pair of shutters and asked if we get the donation made by June 30 so it hits the current fiscal year budget, or if it should wait until the next fiscal year budget. Gary said that the Landmarks Association said it wasn’t in a rush, but they appreciate anything that we can do. Since the Board was going to get the donation in the FY23 budget, with Board approval, there was no big rush. Debby agreed. Abbey reminded the Board that if it waits until the July (or later) budget approval, then the donation won’t be later, until August (or September). Jim said that he understood, and the Board shouldn’t make the payment until the General Membership has approved the FY23 budget.
Gary mentioned a matching grant from Mardi Gras Foundation. Michael said he wanted to hold on this conversation further. Jim said the $2,160 will remain in the budget.
7. Bastille Day
Michael Pastore said that SRG is working hand-in-hand with SBA on the Bastille Day event. Stephen Shuman, Board Liaison to the Community Involvement & Events Committee, discussed the upcoming plans for the events. The current plan is the parade be in the north part of Soulard, with the “beheading” at Soulard Market Park. SBA is working to secure the appropriate permits. There was also discussion about securing a band to lead the parade.
The day after Bastille Day will be the Soulard Sample Sunday.
There was then a discussion about the number of volunteers needed for the events. Stephen said, off the top of his head, he’d say CI&E needs 20 volunteers (or less). They need a couple of people to lead the band, coral traffic, runners, etc. There will be an announcement and request for volunteers at the next General Membership meeting.
Michael and Jim, having experience putting together the June Concert, offered to assist Stephen with permits and any other provisions if he wanted.
8. Budget
Michael Pastore said the budget would wait until next month (July) because there are a couple of things that he, Jim Dallas, and Abbey Bethel need to work out. Michael commended the committee chairs for doing a nice job with their budgets and presentations, and he appreciates the help the Board liaisons gave them.
9. New Business
Michael Pastore said he got an email from Officer Dilg (St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department liaison to SRG). Each Ward in St. Louis will get four baseball tickets. The Soulard neighborhood’s tickets will be raffled at the next General Membership meeting.
Michael asked Jim Dallas if he had anything to add. Jim said that there are three letters Jay has asked Michael to write for the Plan Review Team (PRT). Those should be sent in the next couple weeks. The Communications Committee is concentrating on getting the new equipment working at General Membership meetings, and then it will focus on the website.
Nancy Lambert asked if, for the next Board Meeting, there could be an agenda item for the Board Retreat. She also said that she’d like to discuss some form of appreciation from SRG to area businesses. Gary asked when the next retreat would be. Michael said a lot of people are going out of town. Abbey offered to poll the Board about their availability for an upcoming retreat.
Michael asked John Haas, General Member, if he had any questions. John said that, at the October Board Meeting, there was talk of doing a tree and plaque in Paul Kjorle’s honor, and the memorial for the former employee at Bastille, John Keene, who was killed. Jim said there would be a brick (at the Soulard Station garden) for John. Neil Putz, from the Historical Committee, was supposed to be coordinating the tree for Paul. Michael or Jim will circle back with Neil to see where it stands.
10. Adjourn
Michael Pastore thanked everyone for their participation, and he asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Stephen Shuman made the motion to adjourn. Karen Moske seconded.
All voted in favor of adjourning the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.