June General Membership Meeting

June 1, 2022

Approved Minutes

1. Call to order, introduction of Board members, visiting dignitaries, new members and any guests

Michael Pastore called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.

Board Members present included: Michael Pastore, President; Abbey Bethel, President-Elect; Debby Brown, Treasurer; Chris Currington, Secretary; Jim Dallas, Past President; Nancy Lambert; Karen Moske; Stephen Shuman; Gary Toribio. 

Board Members absent included: Margi Koors and Craig Markham. 

Committee Chairs present included: Bonita Leiber, co-chair, Soulard Station; Richard Eaton, Beautification; Jay Gibbs, PRT. 

Speakers and Special Guests included: Kevin Dilg, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department; Jack Coatar, Alderman, 7th Ward; Terry Hoffman, CID, SSBD. 

Michael asked if there were any new members present. Chris Leonard, a wine maker from California who works in Soulard, introduced himself. Tim Elwell, from AmeriCorp St. Louis, introduced himself. 

2. Introduction of police liaison and crime report

Michael Pastore introduced Officer Kevin Dilg of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. He’s been with the police department for 24 years and serves as a Community Engagement and Traffic Enforcement Officer. Officer Dilg gave the crime report for the neighborhood 

There was a question about how the crime numbers in Soulard compare to other neighborhoods. Officer Dilg said the crime from neighborhood to neighborhood won’t be the same (i.e., Soulard has a lot of bars). 

There was then a discussion about scooters in the neighborhood. Office Dilg said that if riders are being reckless, then call 911. 

There was a brief discussion about alley lights out and who to call. There was also a discussion about cars running stop signs. This can be handled by Officer Dilg. 

3. Secretary’s report

Chris Currington, Secretary, said the draft minutes from the April 6 General Membership meeting had been added to the SRG website, and he didn’t receive any questions or changes. Chris asked for a motion to accept the draft of the April 6 General Membership Meeting minutes as final. 

Bonita Leiber made the motion to accept the draft of the April 6 General Membership Meeting minutes as final. Karen Moske seconded the motion. 

The vote was taken.

All voted in favor. 

The motion to accept the draft of the April 6 General Membership Meeting minutes as final passed

3. Treasurer’s Report

Debby Brown, Treasurer, said that the fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30, so at this meeting, SRG is 11 months into the fiscal year. Current revenue is ~$66,000 due to amazing fundraising efforts. Expenses are ~$60,000, and the cash balance is ~$74,000. Debby asked if there were any questions. There weren’t any. 

Michael Pastore asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. 

Billy Tomber made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Stephen Shuman seconded

There was no discussion, and the vote was taken. 

All voted in favor

The motion to accept the Treasurer’s report passed. 

4. President’s Updates

  a. Concert Series

Michael Pastore deferred to Jim Dallas, Past President, to give the Concert Series report. 

Jim said that the first concert is set for June 25. The second concert will be Aug. 20. The concerts will be at Soulard Market Park and they’re free to attendees. The plan is to sell wine, beer, and sodas. Everything is going smoothly with the planning, and he’s looking forward to everyone bringing their lawn chairs. There will be additional announcements in The Blaster and on the SRG website. 

  b. Bastille Day

Stephen Shuman, SRG Board Liaison to the CI&E committee, has been working with the Soulard Business Association (SBA) to organize Bastille Day. This is a fairly long tradition in Soulard, organized between SBA and SRG. SBA is excited about the event, and working to bring together bars, restaurants, and businesses. They currently don’t have a lot of volunteers, but SRG has been asked to provide volunteers for the event. 

Saturday, July 16, will be the Bastille Day Parade and will roll into Sample Soulard Sunday, July 17. A few of the details are still being worked out. This year, the parade will probably end at Soulard Market Park with the “beheading.” The details will be nailed down by the July General Membership Meeting.  

  c. Budget process

The budget process is going smoothly. Jim Dallas kicked off the process for 2023, and May 25 was the evening for the first committees to report their budget plans to the Board; the second evening for the other committees will be June 8. The budget will probably be approved by General Membership at the August meeting. Michael said that the chairs and liaisons have done a phenomenal job and being very diligent. 

  d. Pub Crawls 

Jack Coatar, St. Louis City Alderman, 7th Ward, said that he and Dan Guenther, St. Louis Alderman, 9th Ward, have met with the City, and Special Events is on board with some regulatory framework for pub crawls. Details need to be worked out. Anything with City Hall won’t happen over night. Officer Dilg asked if he could be notified when there are pub crawls. 

5. Neighborhood Groups update:

  a. CID (Community Improvement District) and SSBD (Soulard Special Business District)

Terry Hoffman gave the report for CID and SSBD and discussed the traffic calming study. There will be a public forum in two weeks (June 16), from 5-7 p.m. at the South Broadway Athletic Club. The traffic consulting company will be there to present the findings and the first set of recommendations. There will be implementations of traffic calming in several parts of the neighborhood, and the CID and SSBD would like the neighborhood’s input. 

Terry then mentioned the SBD program for clamps to prevent catalytic converter thefts. Don’s Muffler Shop on Cherokee Street will install the clamps; residents pay them first and then SBD will reimburse half of the costs. Anyone interested can email treasurer@soulard-sbd.org or visit www.soulard-sbd.org

  b. American Legion

Michael Pastore said the Happy Hours at the Legion are back and held the third Fridays of the month. The next one will be June 17 at 5 p.m. 

6. Committee Reports:

  a. Beautification 

Richard Eaton, Chair, said the Beautification Committee is in good shape – all pots have been planted; they’ve cleaned and put down mulch in Pontiac Park; and they have two groups for June to focus on the other parks.  

  b. Communications

Megan Mehrle gave the Communications Committee report in Brenton Henry’s absence. Megan said The Renaissance came out a week or two ago. ComCom is working on improving the streaming for General Membership Meetings, and this could be ready some time in the fall. 

  c. Community Involvement & Events

Please see Bastille Day above. 

  d. Historical 

Neil Putz gave the update for the Historical Committee. The committee is looking for posters, and there was information recently published in The Blaster about what they’re looking for. The committee is planning a tour of the National Geospatial & Intelligence Agency museum, along with a walking tour of Vincent Park to understand and interpret history. 

Neil then talked about some papers that David and Nancy Kelly had been given about Dr. Hoffman’s Red Drops (ghost sign near Hammerstone’s on 9th Street). There will be an article in an upcoming issue of The Renaissance about this. 

  e. Membership

Julie Dinkelmann gave the update for the Membership Committee. On Friday, June 10, there will be a wine tasting at the Soulard Station from 6 to 9 p.m. This will be a free event to draw new members. (Note that this event was canceled.)

There will be a Dart Party at Karen Moske’s house Saturday, June 4, starting around 6 p.m.

Neil Putz mentioned a blood drive and referenced a handout on each table. The drive will be June 30, and the handout had a QR code for more information. 

In a special presentation, Billy Tomber gave a Soulard Star Award to Beth Hoops, who was unable to attend the Community Party/Membership Drive May 4. Billy acknowledged all of Beth’s hard work and dedicated service to SRG. The audience applauded Beth receiving the Star Award. 

   f. Parlour Tour

Nancy Lambert, SRG Board Liaison to the Parlour Tour Committee, said that the committee will be gearing up for the tour in the next couple of months. If possible, the plan is to have the two-day event again. She said there would be more information in the coming months. 

  g. Plan Review Team

Jay Gibbs, PRT chair, said that the committee looks at plans for new structures and renovations in the neighborhood. He then discussed several properties and plans for the SRG neighborhood and answered questions. 

  h. Safety

Nancy Lambert, SRG Board Liaison to the Safety Committee, reminded everyone about the security camera program and where to sign up. There is more information at soulard.org. 

  i. Properties

Bonita Leiber, co-chair of the Properties Committee, said the Soulard Station is being used for committee and Board meetings. There’s a calendar function where members can schedule meetings. The Properties Committee works hard and could use help. Bonita also reminded any committees that, when they have meetings there, to please take their left-over items home; the Soulard Station has enough. The committee is also working to make the garden at the Soulard Station nice. 

7. Adjourn

Michael Pastore asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. 

Bonita Leiber made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Stephen Shuman seconded

All voted in favor

The meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. 


