Nov. 16, 2022

DRAFT Minutes

1. Call to Order

Board Members present included: Michael Pastore, President; Abbey Bethel, President-Elect; Chris Currington, Secretary; Jim Dallas, Past President; Margi Koors; Nancy Lambert; and Gary Toribio. 

Special Guest present included: Neil Putz, Historical Committee. 

Michael Pastore called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. and thanked the Officers and Board members present.  

2. Sts. Peter & Paul

Michael Pastore turned the meeting over to Neil Putz. Neil updated the Board of Directors about what was happening with the diocese of St. Louis and “All Things New.” The catholic church is looking to close parishes in St. Louis, but Neil’s appearance at the meeting was not about religion. Among the Historical Committee’s jobs is doing historical research. About 90% of people who settled in St. Louis/Soulard attended Sts. Peter & Paul. 

Under “All Things New”, the archdiocese wants to turn Sts. Peter & Paul into a chapel and only a place for prayer. However, the building is a flagship for the neighborhood and means a lot to the community (in terms of helping the unhoused and the number of meals served). 

Neil then discussed a similar process the archdiocese did in 2004, and he handed out letters that were sent on behalf of SRG to Sts. Peter & Paul and responses back to SRG. Neil also handed out instructions to send letters in response to “All Things New.” He’s recommending a formal letter be sent to Father Bruce from the SRG/president. Father Bruce is assembling a notebook that will include letters of support. Father Bruce is currently reaching out to the Soulard Special Business District (SSBD), the Community Improvement District (CID), etc. But Neil wanted to get the word to the SRG, and even though Sts. Peter & Paul only has ~160 parishioners, the details don’t include what Sts. Peter & Paul means to the neighborhood, the unhoused, shelters, meals, etc. 

Neil then discussed the lift (elevator-type lift) that SRG helped to support (monetarily) at The Franklin. The contribution was about making the landmark better. Writing letters to Father Bruce would be considered the same (about a landmark). 

There was then a discussion about the property, if it was already for sale (it’s not) and talking points in any letter that would be sent by SRG to Father Bruce. Neil said he would be glad to be the intermediary with Father Bruce. The letter is to be sent by Dec. 8 or 10. Neil left the meeting at 7:28 p.m.

Michael asked if there was any opposition to writing the letter. Margi Koors said she saw no reason why SRG wouldn’t write a letter supporting Neil’s request. 

3. Abandoned and Condemned Properties

Michael Pastore said that the previous week, he received an email about legal services from Missouri Free Legal Service (that helps communities deal with abandoned and condemned properties, etc.). They work with community organizations to help finance, redevelop, and sell those types of properties. Michael asked the person who sent the letter to come present at the January Board meeting; the presentation is not any form of our commitment of support. Michael said he wanted to make sure that the Board was okay with the letter’s sender giving the presentation about how the community organization can help. Jim Dallas said he was open to having him come present in January or February. Gary Toribio said he’d like to see the presenter limit his presentation to 15 to 20 minutes. It was generally agreed that the sender of the letter would present at the January Board meeting. 

4. Plan Review Team (PRT) Committee Chair

Michael Pastore said that Jay Gibbs, former chair of the PRT Committee, had decided to step down. Via email, Michael sent a communication that Walker Hamilton was interested in becoming the chair of the PRT Committee. Walker works for the City of St. Louis and rehabs homes; he’s on SRG’s Historical Committee and knows the codes. 

Via email, Jim Dallas made the motion to accept Walker Hamilton as the chair of the PRT Committee. Abbey Bethel seconded the motion via email. 

The vote was taken via email. 

All voted in favor of accepting Walker Hamilton as the chair of the PRT Committee. The motion passed

5. Merchandise

Michael Pastore turned the meeting to Margi Koors. Margi then discussed SRG merchandise (shirts, jackets, stickers, etc.), general interest, and the SRG branding that was discussed at the recent Board retreat. There was also a discussion about the best opportunities (Mardi Gras) to have the merchandise available and to have it at General Membership meetings. Jim Dallas said that, currently, there’s nothing in the budget for merchandise and sales. It was agreed that Margi would investigate this further and present information to the Board at future meetings. 

6. Under-40 Renters (SRG future participation and volunteers; initiative resulting from the Board retreat)

Margi Koors said that she’d had a conversation with someone at The Steel Yard (apartments). She may have two or three people (under 40) who may be able to help the Board with some research. It was proposed that the Board give them dinner, drinks, and a questionnaire. Michael Pastore said he had four people interested from the Lafayette Lofts. (Craig Markham was also supposed to speak with potential candidates, but he was not present at this meeting.)

Margi said she would like to have the conversations with the under-40 renters in January. Gary Toribio asked if the Board Members should attend. Margi agreed; the SRG Board should show an interest in this group, that it wants to reach out, and learn more about the future of SRG participation and volunteers. 

There was then a discussion about the under-40 group’s thoughts and a potential rebrand of SRG. It was decided that this could be covered in the questions asked of the group. 

7. Nominating Committee

Abbey Bethel discussed the Nominating Committee because the elections for the next Board will be coming up fast. The Nominating Committee needs to be appointed by Dec. 1 and there needs to be at least five voting members on the Nominating Committee. Abbey had reached out, and currently the committee consists of:

  * Michael Pastore

  * Abbey Bethel

  * Nancy Lambert

  * Chis Currington

  * Veronica Putz

  * Neil Putz

  * Jeanne Kirby 

Michael asked Abbey if she wanted to appoint the Nominating Committee this evening or wait. Abbey said she recommended appointing this evening. There was then a question about adding a member(s) under 40 to the Nominating Committee. It was decided that anyone under 40 could be added if someone is interested. 

Margi Koors made the motion to accept the seven members of the Nominating Committee. Jim Dallas seconded the motion. 

The vote was taken. 

All voted in favor of accepting the Nominating Committee members. 

The motion passed

8. Gateway South

Abbey Bethel said that SRG was approached by the group that is working to restore the old Chouteau’s Landing. Gateway South would like to come to an SRG meeting, and Abbey asked the Board if it wanted that to happen. Michael Pastore said that he would meet with someone from the group over coffee to see what their interest is. 

9. 12 Bars of Charity

The 12 Bars of Charity pub crawl is coming up Dec. 17 from 2 to 6 p.m. There will be free parking at The Armory, the bus routes are confirmed, and the organizers are currently working through trash/cleanup and event security. They’ve sold some tickets to a similar event in Kansas City. 

10. Mardi Gras Beer Booth

Abbey Bethel discussed the possibility of SRG having a beer booth after the Mardi Gras Grand Parade. There’s a possibility it could be placed by Julie Price’s business, but this is TBD. Currently, participating establishments are picking their territories for their beer booths. Margi Koors asked if there would be enough volunteers. Michael Pastore said he didn’t foresee any problems getting volunteers to help. 

There was then a discussion about the number of volunteers needed, how many Board members were willing to volunteer, and getting more information about spots available and distances from the main crowd. 

Jim Dallas asked if Michael could have a meeting with MGI about how this could come together and how it would look. It was decided that Jim, Abbey, and Michael would talk to MGI. 

11. Insurance Renewal

Jim Dallas said the insurance renewals for Commercial Liability, Commercial Property, and Liquor is up for renewal Dec. 5. (Directors and Officers insurance renews in May.) There is $4,500 in the budget for all four insurances. What SRG pays on Dec. 5 will not include any prepayments over the next year (event insurance will be paid by each committee and event). It is still currently being decided what the total will be for the insurance that’s due Dec. 5, but it will be ~$3,500. 

Margi Koors made the motion to approve the insurance payment by Dec. 5. Michael Pastore asked if there was any discussion. There wasn’t any. Nancy Lambert seconded the motion. 

The vote was taken. 

All voted in favor. 

The motion to pay the insurance bill by Dec. 5 passed

12. Soulard Station Protocols (Policies & Procedures)

Michael Pastore asked Jim Dallas how the Soulard Station Protocols were coming along. Jim said Nancy, Gary, and he combined the two documents (one about usage and one about temporary use) into one document. There was a handout, and then a discussion about insurance, using a broker, and limits on insurance coverage. 

Any details about using the Soulard Station will be given to the person who wants to use the building and they will have to secure the insurance, with notification of insurance given to Bonita Leiber (Soulard Station Committee co-chair) ahead of the event. Margi Koors asked if there was a way that General Members and Board members could see when and how the building was being used before scheduling an event. Gary said that committees would be encouraged to book their meetings ahead of time; it will be emphasized to committee chairs to get on the calendar. For now, individuals interested in using the building will just send an email to Bonita. 

There was then a discussion about using a calendar application (Calendly) that works with Google, a demonstration (from the Communications Committee) about how to use it, and visibility by the Board. 

Gary said a part of the Soulard Station Protocols is that any events need to shut down by 11:30 p.m., and they’ll be limited to 43 people. Bonita is satisfied with this, and things can be changed in the future. Margi asked about event insurance and if it needs to cover alcohol or not. Jim said the liquor policy (see “Insurance Renewal” above) will cover alcohol.  

Gary Toribio made the motion to accept the Soulard Station Protocols (Policies & Procedures) as written. Margi Koors seconded the motion. 

The vote was taken. Five Board members present voted to accept the motion. One Board member abstained. 

The motion to accept the Soulard Station Protocols (Policies & Procedures) as written passed.  

13. Parlour Tour

Nancy Lambert, Board Liaison to the Parlour Tour committee, said they have ~$9,000 committed in sponsorships, which is the most they’ve ever had. This doesn’t include ticket sales, which are going well. Next week, Neil and Veronica Putz are getting together with the homeowners volunteering their homes for the event and providing them with the house research. Then, there will be the orientation for volunteers. The committee is ordering ornaments for the volunteers (free), and there will be some ornaments for sale, too. 

14. Secretary’s Update

Chris Currington, Secretary, said that he’d sent the link to the draft of the October Board Meeting and received minor changes. 

Margi Koors made the motion to accept the draft of the October Board Meeting minutes as final. Abbey Bethel seconded

The vote was taken. 

All voted in favor. 

The motion to accept the draft of the October Board Meeting minutes as final passed

14. Miscellaneous

Michael Pastore said that:

  a. The American Legion was having its third-Friday-of-the-month happy hour coming up; and

  b. The American Legion would be providing Thanksgiving Meals to veterans from noon to 3 p.m. Thanksgiving Day.

Jim Dallas said that the Code of Conduct (Policies & Procedures) had been sent to the Board members, but it will have the most debate and struggle to get passed. He encouraged everyone to read it, and he will send it to everyone – in a Word document – as a reminder. There was then a discussion about reviewing the Code of Conduct and best ways to review and approve it. 

15. Adjourn

Nancy Lambert made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Margi Koors seconded

The vote was taken. 

All voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m.


