August 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
SRG Monthly Board Meeting
Aug. 18, 2021
1. Call to Order + Opening Remarks
Board Members present included: Jim Dallas, President; Michael Pastore, President-Elect; Debby Brown, Treasurer; Chris Currington, Secretary; Neil Putz, Past-President; Nancy Kelly (via Zoom); Nancy Lambert; Karen Moske; Billy Tomber (arrived at 7:24 p.m.); and Gary Toribio (via Zoom).
Absent from the meeting: Margi Koors
Jim Dallas called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Jim expressed that he wants to keep the by-laws project moving, but there were many important topics to cover, so he moved to the first agenda item.
2. Minutes of the Previous Monthly Board Meeting
Chris Currington, Secretary, said the minutes from the July 21 Board meeting were sent to the Board the previous Friday, with a request for reviews by Tuesday before this meeting. He received a change from Nancy Lambert, and some typographical errors were noted by Karen Moske. He made those changes and asked for a motion to accept the July 21 Board Meeting minutes.
Karen Moske made the motion to accept the July 21 Board Meeting minutes. Nancy Lambert seconded the motion.
The vote was taken.
All voted in favor to accept the July 21 Board Meeting minutes. No votes opposed it.
3. Financial Report
Debby Brown, Treasurer, reported that for the first half of August, there wasn’t a lot of profit and loss (P&L) activity. There was $36 in income, more dues came in and Julie Price sold some Soulard masks. Income for the first half of August was $254, and the account balance is ~$64,000. Gary Toribio asked about the utility expenses for the Soulard Station. Debby said they have not come through yet, but she had logged into the bank account and the sewer bill was paid, but other utility bills had not hit for the first half of August yet.
Jim Dallas then mentioned the audit that Linda Howdeshell is completing for SRG. She’s getting paperwork in order and won’t dedicate real time to it for a couple more weeks. Linda has asked if SRG has an accounting procedures manual. Jim said it does not. Linda has interviewed Jim, Debby and Michael Pastore to get background about how things are processed and how SRG works. Linda’s plan, working backwards, is to file taxes by Nov. 15, but she wants to complete the audit and present it to the Board before filing taxes. The plan is that Linda will present her finding at the Oct. 20 Board Meeting.
Michael said that Linda is looking at SRG’s financial processes; not looking at every cleared check. Her job is to make sure we’re doing things right. Jim then gave an example of capitalizing assets and that we should have some procedures in place for purchasing assets and then depreciating them. There should be a policy around this and Jim plans to introduce a resolution in the near future that will establish the minimum amount (likely to be $2,500). In the absence of such a policy, Linda has told us that SRG should be capitalizing fixed asset expenses (such as the purchase of the camera that was used for the virtual Parlour Tour, the cost of which was only $1,000).
4. Concert series and in-person general membership meeting
Jim Dallas said he would combine agenda items 4 (Concert series and General Membership Meeting) and 7 (Oktoberfest bus trip to Hermann). SRG has a number of events planned for the near future, the first of which is the General Membership Meeting Sept. 1, and then the second Summer Concert Sept. 5. There will also be the Floral & Art Auction Sept. 11. The Membership Committee has proposed a bus trip to Hermann in October.
Jim said that he wanted to move forward with the Sept. 1 General Membership Meeting and the Summer Concert as outdoor events. The current directive from the City of St. Louis about Covid, masks, and indoor events expires on Aug. 25. Jim then noted other outdoor venues in the City that are holding outdoor events without mask mandates. However, Jim said he would keep an eye on other directives if they’re issued by the City.
There was a question about the upcoming Floral & Art Auction and if the garage doors would be open at the Soulard Station. Karen Moske said it was her understanding that the event was going to be inside and outside. She also said that it seemed the number of Covid/Delta cases were going down, and that it may be best to wait and see. Karen also added that the people who are likely to come to the event are likely to wear masks.
Jim then asked what the mask/vaccination policy would be for the Beautification Committee fundraiser at Molly’s. Karen said that this probably hasn’t been considered yet, and the Board should make a recommendation that attendees wear masks. Then Karen added that, for any events that require riding a bus, there should be some release that people sign. Jim said that it was too soon to make any policies about riding buses.
Jim said that he and Gary Toribio have talked about the bus trip (to Hermann, Mo.) with Julie Price and the budget for that trip. Jim said that they will be asking questions about cancelations, refunds, etc. Jim and Gary pointed out to Julie that the proposed date for the event—Oct. 16—is Oktoberfest in Hermann and there may be many unvaccinated people who won’t wear masks. Gary then said from an email he’d received that day that Julie was considering changing the date for the trip to Hermann to a weekend in November. However, there is still the issue of 50 people on a bus together. Veronica Putz doesn’t seem to think that the bus is going to care about mask-wearing. Gary added that he’s not sure if anyone has asked the questions of the bus company and mask wearing. Jim then added that there’s no hurry to make a commitment on the bus/coach at this point, and if the event is pushed to November, there’s more time to see what’s happening and figure it out.
Karen then pointed out that, regardless of Covid, as an SRG-sponsored event, during Oktoberfest or not, packing people on a bus should require some sort of signed waiver. Debby Brown then added the waiver should include provisions for injuries during the event so they can’t sue SRG. Karen then said she’s not aware if the coach/bus has a signed-release requirement or not.
There was then a brief discussion about the signed release. Jim said we should consider that, if people don’t sign the release, then they don’t go. Michael Pastore said he agreed with a general release, and that November sounds smarter and wiser for the event. He thinks that the guests that do go will have a better time going to the winery and having interpersonal interactions as opposed to Oktoberfest.
Neil Putz added that, even if we controlled and made sure all attendees are vaccinated, no one can control the crowd in Hermann. He mentioned that he’d recently been to Busch Stadium, and it appeared that 90% of attendees were without masks. There are too many variables to control and there will be risks. He’s in favor of the trip to Hermann in November, too.
Gary then added that on the bus, people probably won’t be masked for the most part. The whole idea is to be eating and drinking. Some people may wear a mask the whole time. Gary then referred to himself as a vaccinated person who’s been exposed to break through exposure. Even on a bus, we can’t guarantee any testing beforehand. He said he wouldn’t take the trip, but whatever the majority wants to do is fine. He then reminded everyone that during the pandemic, there are risks with everything we do.
Jim then asked if anyone thinks the Board should spend money on counsel and guidance. Karen said we don’t need to do this. Michael added that, at this point, we’re looking at dates and we’ll see where the cycle goes. It would be foolish to commit to a bus with 30 to 40 people, and we shouldn’t commit to this at this point. Jim then added that we can’t wait too long because Julie is going to want to start advertising. Waiting to November would be better. Karen then added that it would be prudent to wait until November.
Jim then said that the conclusion of the discussion was to recommend to Julie to move the event to a weekend in November, and that we would be asking many questions, asking people to sign a release, and figure out from the Membership Committee when they want to announce the event.
There was a question about clarifying if the event would be for SRG members. Karen said that wasn’t made clear. Gary said there was no discussion about whether or not attendees must be SRG members. There was a suggestion that there be an additional $20 charge for attendees who are not members. This would be their membership dues. Jim then asked if we should restrict the event to SRG members. Nancy Lambert then said with that modification, she’s good with it. Gary will provide this feedback to Julie.
Gary then said the City of St. Louis would be revisiting guidelines for Covid-19, masks and proof of vaccinations after Aug. 25. He assumes there will be new guidance and we’ll see what that is. He also will suggest putting off paying the balance for the bus until late September. With this bus company, they want a small deposit up front, and then 3 or 4 weeks ahead of the event, they want the amount in full. This is then non-refundable, but the bus can be rescheduled. We won’t get any money back after that point.
Jim then asked the Board if it was ok with the General Membership meeting and upcoming concert at Soulard Market being outside and asking folks to wear masks. Debby added that when people are drinking, they’re less likely to leave the mask on. Jim said the General Membership meeting is first to be held, and he recommended it be outside at the Legion with a request to mask up. Billy added that there is a wireless microphone at the Legion, and that can be used.
Jim then asked Karen to remind Richard to have attendees mask up at the Floral & Art Auction. He then asked if we should also ask about proof of vaccination. Karen said she would ask Richard what his thoughts are, or the Board can suggest it. Nancy L. said she would bring it up at the next meeting; not Karen. Billy then said the whole point is having an entry point, and asked if there would be a common entry. Karen confirmed there will be a main entry. Billy said that we can then ask people to have their vaccination card upon entry. Jim then said that if Richard doesn’t want to ask for vaccination cards, then it’s a masked event and should be enforced.
Gary then brought up the issue about the Beautification Committee fundraiser at Molly’s that will be in October. Jim then said we will go with whatever the guidance from the City is then, and what any private venue requires.
Gary brought up another challenge for the General Membership meeting on Sept. 1. If it’s outside, sunset will be 7:30 and we’ll run out of daylight. Billy said that the parking lot lights should be fine. Jim said that there will be some sunlight over the building and lights in the parking lot, and he’ll keep the agenda short. If we need to, we can also change it to a Zoom meeting.
5. Retreat topics update
Jim Dallas said that at the last Board meeting, there were three assignments to be delved into.
a. Fundraising
Finding a new chair for the Fundraising Committee was assigned to Margi Koors, but she was not at this meeting. Jim said that Chris Schwarz would stay on as the chair of the committee until after the Smarty Gras event in mid-January. Jim has spoken to Margi about what we should be looking for regarding a chair for the committee and who to approach. He will reach out to Margi and ask her to assimilate information.
b. Board Goals
Nancy Lambert said that a couple of Sundays ago she gathered a meeting (including 4 SRG Members) at her home. They discussed the development of Board goals, a new chair for the Fundraising Committee, and reinventing the Residential Promotions committee. There were many viewpoints. As a result of the discussion, what kept coming up were four things: 1) needing to do whatever we can to push a positive image; 2) community outreach; 3) safety; and 4) inclusivity and diversity.
Nancy had also done some research, and there are different goals to consider:
· Operational goals, or those things that are in the by-laws, such as board meetings, General Membership meetings, elections. These are responsibilities.
· Aspirational Goals, or those that an organization aspires to achieve. These should be positive, and these are what General Membership is looking to the Board to develop.
Nancy then read over the draft of the aspirational Board goals that she and the group had developed.
Michael Pastore said Nancy had done a phenomenal job with developing these drafted, aspirational goals for the Board.
c. New Comm
Chris Currington said that he looked over the original mission of the Residential Promotions committee, and that he has spoken to Jim Dallas, Andrea Maddox-Dallas and Philip Hanley, about their ideas for a new committee. Andrea made some important points about levels of inclusion—being invited, showing up, and actually participating. Something he kept going back to was the Residential Promotions was branding itself as “the fun committee.” However, Chris pointed out that all committees should be fun, or at least have fun components about them.
Chris also said that he was reflecting on the Board retreat and General Membership desires for diversity, inclusion and representation. He also discussed this at the meeting held at Nancy Lambert’s home. At this meeting there was a separate discussion about what the New Committee could and should look like. There was also a discussion about a wider and more diverse set of events that this committee could hold.
At the meeting at Nancy Lambert’s home, Chris suggested some names for the new committee that would capture the whole neighborhood, such as “North, South, East, and West,” or “Soulard Compass.” However, Margi Koors suggested the new committee be “Community Service & Events.” All attendees liked this suggestion, so for now, the proposed name for New Comm is Community Service & Events.
Chris said that he will now work on the mission and goals for this committee before the next Board Meeting.
There was a brief discussion about the Halloween Golf Cart parade (that would have fallen under Res Promo). Billy Tomber also mentioned that Oktoberfest is actively recruiting volunteers.
Jim Dallas thanked Nancy and Chris for their work on these assignments.
SHARE (Soulard Heritage Art Revitalization and Education, Inc.) is a nonprofit that Christopher Schwarz is forming. This topic was not on July’s agenda. SHARE has asked SRG to consider three seats on SHARE’s board. SHARE proposes to take over the Soulard Summer Concert Series and to produce a festival called the Blues, Beers, and Bites – dubbed “B3” by SHARE.
Chris gave a presentation to the SRG Board at the June meeting. In a conversation that Jim Dallas had with Chris after the June presentation, Chris asked SRG to bring this to a conclusion/provide firm feedback by the August SRG Board meeting. So, Jim has placed this item on the agenda for the board to discuss.
Since the June board meeting, Jim has spent much time considering this topic and what SHARE has asked the SRG to consider. Jim summarized his conclusions as: (i) there doesn’t seem to be a lot of enthusiasm from the SRG Board for giving the concert series to another entity, and (ii) there has not been enough neighborhood engagement in the idea of having another large-scale festival (the B3) in the neighborhood. So, by agreeing to be on the SHARE board, the SRG would implicitly be endorsing both of those underlying premises behind SHARE.
Jim has communicated this position to Chris, and told Chris these views were going to form the basis behind Jim’s recommendation that SRG not agree to SHARE’s offer at this point in time.
Jim said he suggested to Chris that Chris should present SHARE to the neighbors in some form, maybe at an SRG General Membership meeting or some kind of town hall that would be led by Chris.
Gary Toribio asked if we know what SBA is doing for representation on SHARE’s board. Jim does not know but believes they have not come to a decision yet. As far as Jim knows, SBA had their presentation by SHARE at their July meeting, and has heard that SBA may want to have a chance at taking the concert series over again if SRG is willing to pass it on to another entity.
Karen Moske said we shouldn’t close the door on SHARE, and the town hall is a good idea. Michael Pastore agrees and people that live in the neighborhood need to know what’s being planned. A town hall would be a good way for Chris to inform the neighborhood to get their feedback. Debby Brown agreed.
Billy Tomber reminded the Board that we’d have three seats on SHARE’s board, so we would have three votes out of twelve.
Gary Toribio suggested there may be a middle road with SRG tentatively appointing three representatives to fact find information for SRG before we do any kind of endorsement. It will take some time for SHARE to get their ducks in a row and knowing what they’ll do. If we follow this suggestion, we should make it clear that we’re not endorsing SHARE, but providing fact finders and then asking them to bring it back to SRG and have those reps to press SHARE to do the town hall when they’re ready to. SHARE is also going to need the City’s and Aldermanic support.
Nancy said that Gary made some good points. Her concern, though, is that we’re putting the cart before the horse and acknowledged her concern that the community-at-large knows nothing about Chris’s plans for SHARE. It’s all something happening within SRG’s and SBA’s boards at this point. By forming a committee, that may be seen as an endorsement. Nancy said she would like to see the town hall and let General Membership know. Then, if they have questions or concerns, they can ask and share.
Neil Putz said he was thinking along the same lines that Nancy articulated. We’ve taken the concert series as a function of SRG and now someone wants to take it over. Chris Currington has put a lot of thought into New Comm, and the concerts are community events. So, New Comm might be the right committee to retain a say in the concerts and keep them as part of SRG’s infrastructure, rather than outsource them to another organization.
Michael said the concerts at the market are SRGs and we shouldn’t give those up. Those are our free events for the neighborhood. He thinks that if we form a fact-finding committee, we’re legitimizing what SHARE wants to do. It’s not appropriate for the 11 Board members to make decisions for the people of Soulard without more input from the neighborhood, and tacit approval by the SRG Board is a big mistake.
Billy reminded the Board that Chris is moving forward and forming SHARE whether SRG is in or not. Billy also said he’s on the concert committee, too, and said that the same people who are putting on the concerts are also forming SHARE.
Neil then gave examples that when there were gaps (Station Committee; Safety Committee), we have been able to find people to move things forward.
In the end, the Board agreed that Chris will be told that SRG recommends engagement directly with the neighbors, such as a town hall. If Chris were to agree to do a town hall, SRG will support Chris in such endeavor: announcing the town hall and inviting people to attend, but at the same time making it clear the town hall is not an SRG event.
7. Octoberfest Bus Trip
See minutes above.
8. By-Laws Review
Jim Dallas said that he’d sent the most recent version of the by-laws review comments before the meeting, compiling Neil Putz’, Nancy Lambert’s, Gary Toribio’s, and Chris Currington’s comments. There were 21 items in that review document. As Jim reviewed comments and potential changes, he recognized the ones that need the most discussion.
He jumped to item 9—whether the board should have the right to review and approve all Star Awards and Lifetime Achievement Awards. Nancy’s initial comment was to allow the president, president-elect, and past-president to know who the Membership Committee is recommending for the awards. Jim reminded the Board that it approved a motion recently that only the president needs to be informed of Lifetime Achievement recipients before those awards are given. But Jim said the general requirement of reviewing these awards in advance could be added to the Policies & Procedures (P&Ps), rather than being included in the by-laws document. Gary then recommended that the process about awards oversight and appointments should be in the P&Ps. Neil agreed with this saying that this can apply to other committees and their awards; not just Membership. This will also include memorials.
Karen Moske said that appointments should stay in the by-laws and she mentioned the sentence in Article 6 about Board appointments outside of SRG. Michael Pastore asked if the president can put forward people on his or her own on various outside boards. Jim said, no, such appointments are with the approval of the Board, based on the president’s recommendation.
Debby Brown then asked if there could be something more general in the by-laws (something to the effect, “The Board is solely responsible for managing XX pursuant to policy and procedure, including but not limited to awards, appointments, etc.”). Nancy Kelly agreed with this.
Discussion then turned to Item 10 of the review document — the fact that the by-laws revision will no longer make the Editor of The Renaissance an automatic position on the Board. The new language removes this automatic position, and 6 at-large directors remain (3 even year; 3 odd year; resulting in 3 rotating off every year). The by-laws working group had developed the concept of a communications director, where one of the directors would become the editor of The Renaissance.
Nancy Lambert raised the question of what if no one is qualified or willing to be the editor. Jim noted the changes to the by-laws and the suggested new language. The Board appoints someone as the editor with the idea that they’ll probably be one of the directors. If we appoint a director as editor, then they’ll also be the liaison for the Communications Committee. Jim then said the new language should cover this. Michael Pastore said the revisions should not be written such that the same person is a Board member, editor of The Renaissance, and the liaison to the Communications Committee. Billy Tomber agreed.
There was some additional discussion about the role of the editor, the appointment of such by the Board, and the appointment of the liaison to the Communications Committee. It was finally determined that Neil Putz will compose some language and will present his re-write suggestions at the next board meeting.
There was a brief discussion about continuing with the review of the by-laws revisions, but it was decided to move to the committee reports. Jim agreed to revisit some of the simpler by-laws revisions and the Board would revisit the by-laws revisions at the September meeting.
9. Additional Committee Reports
a. Beautification
Karen Moske said that she did not get a report from Richard Eaton, but reminded the Board about the upcoming Floral & Art Auction. There was a meeting happening Friday for the subcommittee in charge of the event, and Karen will bring up the issue of wearing masks and if there should be proof of vaccination to attend the event.
The flowerpots in the neighborhood are being watered regularly, but last month there was a problem with some plants being stolen.
Gary Toribio then asked Karen if she could talk to Richard about the City not following through with planting curbside trees during the pandemic. Karen said a lot of times, they won’t plant trees in August; usually in the fall. But she will follow up with Richard. Gary said that if the City isn’t going to do it, then the CID, SRG and SBA need to get involved. The neighborhood would look better with the trees.
b. Communications
Billy Tomber said that the Communications Committee had purchased new equipment to facilitate a combination of in-person and online meetings. It will be tested at the Sept. 1 General Membership meeting.
The big news for the Communications Committee is the SRG Cloud is being rolled out and training is happening, with a Zoom session the following Monday, and then at the Station on an upcoming Saturday.
Jim then asked Billy to elaborate on the equipment for the next General Membership meeting. Billy said that the committee was not going to announce to membership that they can stay home or attend in person; Comm Comm would just be testing the equipment.
c. Historical
Neil Putz reported that the Historical Committee is working with the SRG Cloud-master on several items. They’re looking at creating two folders: 1) for the Committee and internal for sharing documents; and 2) an external folder for sharing artifacts prepared for General Membership to access.
Jay Gibbs has the past issues of The Renaissance and The Restorationist and he has shared them with Neil to scan and save. These will be populated into the cloud, and then migrate over for all membership to access. This is a cool project and will increase the interest in Soulard history.
Another project for this committee is the Mardi Gras Posters. Philip Hanley was instrumental in this idea, and it will be along the lines of having all previous Mardi Gras posters available to SRG membership.
The committee is also working on sharpening their research skills. One of the next steps is to improve the committee members’ training (i.e., how to do house history).
Michael Pastore said that what the committee is doing with the newspapers is phenomenal.
d. Membership
Several updates about the Membership Committee are above. Gary Toribio said that for the Oct. 6 General Membership meeting, it’s yet to be determined if it will be outside or via Zoom. He’s not sure what Julie has in mind for the social after this meeting.
For the September General Membership meeting, the social afterward will be at the Great Grizzly Bear.
The Membership Committee is determining if it will hold a social only for new members.
The Membership Committee is finalizing the expenses from June Community Party given that it fell in a previous fiscal year, but expenses are hitting the new fiscal year.
e. Parlour Tour
Nancy Lambert said a subcommittee met to brainstorm ideas for the hybrid Parlour Tour. They have decided to let the homeowners make their own decisions, and there’s an upcoming meeting of the homeowners Sept. 14 to talk about the details and what they’ll accept, want to do, etc. Jim Dallas then said that they’re contemplating some element of an in-person tour.
f. PRT
Karen Moske said she did not have an update from Jay Gibbs. Calypso, across from The Great Grizzly Bear, is in process. There was a letter sent to the City, but they came back with a different idea. There’s a problem with garage doors and with closing some of the space, but maintaining historic code.
Mauki’s wants to replace some windows.
Historic code revisions are in process, and Neil Putz is working through definitions. The goal is to have revisions in place and presented to the Board by Christmas with the whole process completed in the next 8 months.
g. Safety
Nancy Lambert said that Andrea Maddox-Dallas has collected data from the Safety Survey. Nancy has asked if Andrea can present the results to the Board before General Membership. Andrea should have the results to share, as well as information about a camera program The Hill neighborhood uses; could be something for Soulard to consider.
Nancy then discussed the National Night Out and three areas in Soulard that will have block parties. Jim Dallas is trying to find an area north of Russell. Karen Moske said the bars on Geyer used to get together and do a potluck. Billy Tomber said there’s nothing like that planned right now. It was well attended until about four years ago; because of the summer heat, it fell apart. Jim then said there are 3 groups on the south side of Russel, and asked if there’s someone we can reach out to on the North side of Russell. Michael Pastore recommended Jim Price because he lives on a good street to close (dead end). Michael said he would ask Jim Price.
Nancy said the next Safety Walk will be Oct. 14 at 8 p.m., but she’s not sure where it will start.
h. Soulard Station
Nancy Kelly said that there was a leak recently discovered that was coming in through a garage door. It looks like everything will be completed before the Floral & Art Auction. Laura Grace and Bonita Leiber have agreed to serve on the Soulard Station Subcommittee (the working group to determine the future direction of the Station).
Michael Pastore said he drives by the Soulard Station at least twice a day, and the grounds look phenomenal. He wants this reflected in the minutes. He sees Bonita out there three times a week, if not more. Nancy Kelly seconded this and said she wants this on the record. Bonita and Laura put a lot of time into the Soulard Station.
10. Executive Session
Jim Dallas asked if there was a need for moving to Executive Session. There was no need.
11. Adjourn
Jim Dallas made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Karen Moske seconded the motion.
The vote was taken. All voted in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.