February 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

Soulard Restoration Group, Inc.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Soulard Station, 1911 S 12th St

Time called to order: 7:20 p.m. 2/19/2020

(A quorum existed with 8 of 10 Board members present when the meeting was called to order.)

              (Presence indicated by  ☑  -  Absence indicated by  ⦸)



Scott Plackemeier (Pres./ Mtg Chair)

Taylor Bodine

Neil Putz (President Elect) 

John Durnell

Jeff Roberts (Treasurer)

Beth Hoops

Gary Toribio (Secretary)

Marilyn Morris

Billy Tomber (Exec. Editor SRG Communications)

Arrived at approximately 8 p.m.

Dave Perry

“Soulard Blaster weekly email newsletter” is referred to as the Blaster in these minutes.

There was NO SRG Board Meeting in January 2020 as decided by the President and Board due to the 3rd Wednesday in January only being approx. 2 weeks after the Dec 2019 Board meeting.

  1. Socialize & Dinner provided by Beth Hoops 

  2. Old Business: Scott Plackemeier 

    1. Previous Board Meeting Minutes approval 

Approval of the minutes for the SRG Board Meeting on December 30, 2019, with a few minor changes as duly noted by the Secretary per comments made by SRG Board Members.

Motion by Jeff Roberts, 2nd by John Durnell.

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

Motion passed unanimously

    1. Carrolton Bank Update: Jeff Roberts

      1. Per the motion approved at the 12/30/2019 Board meeting, all Carrolton Bank accounts have been established with signatures by Treasurer, President and President-Elect. 

      2. Funds also transferred to Carrolton savings and checking accounts.

      3. Approximately $13,000 remains in Together Credit Union until all checks have cleared.

Authorize the Treasurer to set up utility bills associated with our Soulard Station for online automatic payment deducted from appropriate SRG accounts.

Motion by Jeff Roberts, 2nd by Beth Hoops.

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

    1. Motion passed unanimouslyHistoric Signage Program

      1. Taylor Bodine reported that no new issues arose with the copy/text for the actual signs except that the Residential Promotion Committee (Res Promo) thought a few of the signs with wording originally prepared by the property owner should not be changed to the Board’s Edits titled “Soulard Historic Signage Project, Revised copy, Reviewed & Forwarded 10/9/2019.

      2. After additional discussions between Beth Hoops, Taylor and other Board members, the Board went through each signage copy that Res Promo felt shouldn’t be changed.

After review of the Residential Promotion Committee responses, the Board finalized the copy for the historic signage per the Board’s Edits dated 10/9/2019 with the decisions noted during the DISCUSSION below AND forwarded it to the Residential Promotion Committee for accomplishment.

Motion by Taylor Bodine, 2nd by Neil Putz

DISCUSSION: The Board decided to use the indicated signage copy for each of the following properties that were in question:

        1. Emil Krausse House 2709 S 11th: Use Board’s Edits

        2. Pontiac Square Park: Use Board’s Edits

        3. Vincent’s Market: Use Board’s Edits

        4. Sts. Peter and Paul Parish: Sign copy can be left as is. No Updates Required.

        5. Jos. Wushke Cigar Factory: Use Board’s Edits

        6. The Smile Factory: Should be titled "The Smile Building", otherwise Use Board’s Edits

        7. The Trapper Cottage, 811 Allen Ave: Reference to stucco was discussed, but Use Board’s Edits

        8. The John Brotz House: Use Board’s Edits.

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

Motion passed unanimously

  1. New Business

    1. SRG Elections: Scott Plackemeier 

      1. Vacancies for the election are:

        1. Two Board Positions (currently filled by John Durnell & Taylor Bodine).

        2. President Elect

        3. Treasurer

        4. Secretary

    2. Soulard Historic Standards: John Durnell

      1. John recommended that SRG addresses our Historic Standards with the general membership occasionally.

      2. Scott thought a presentation could possibly be made at the May Membership Drive/Party.Building Discussions: Jeff Roberts

      3. The former Soulard Library, 706 Lafayette Ave is listed for sale. Jeff initially questioned ways to preserve the vacant historic building and put it to productive use. Nothing was decided upon, and a few Board members might look into it as well as possibly other vacant, historic buildings.

    3. MGF Grant Application April 2020: Gary Toribio

      1. MGF is moving up their annual request for proposed grant projects from July to April.

    4. New business in the neighborhood (goPuff): Scott Plackemeier 

      1. goPuff is an on-demand convenience store delivery service that already operates in the St. Louis area.

      2. Scott and perhaps John Durnell are scheduled to meet with goPuff representative(s) on March 5th regarding any potential new facilities they may be considering in Soulard.

  2. Liaison reports

    1. Soulard Station: Marilyn Morris

      1. Relatively minor roof leaks being repaired as weather allows. (Approx $525)

      2. After review of details, the committee feels it is best to use the “Smart System” for the building controls although it costs $200 more than another system.  Committee member Ann Austin is to attend a course on the operation of the “Smart System”.

      3. It was discussed that any change to the current policy on the very limited use of Soulard Station will be decided upon by the new SRG Board term 2020 – 2021.

    2. Plan Review Team (PRT) / Code & Zoning

      1. Issues and historic guidelines

        1. The Llywelyn's Pub store front was partially replaced with unpermitted, overhead garage doors that are aluminum and glass.

          1. PRT is scheduling a meeting with the owner of Llywelyn’s and are welcome to attend.

          2. The Board is to provide input to Neil Putz regarding opinions about the store front replacement with unpermitted aluminum and glass garage doors. Perhaps they could be changed to be similar to the wooden garage doors like those at Epic Pizza and Mission Taco.

        2. Twisted Ranch, 1731 S. 7th

          1. The sign painted on the exterior brick wall was determined to need removal, but it is still in appeal by Twisted Ranch.  Jack will get an update for PRT.

    3. Beautification: John Durnell

      1. Nothing significant to report this month during the winter.

4. Communications / Renaissance: Billy Tomber

  1. Soulard Renaissance Mardi Gras edition is out on the street.

  2. Digital Cloud for e-files

        1. Communication Committee members to attend a Board meeting to discuss the technical alternatives that are available.

      1. Billy and Jeff Roberts are working on the additional iPad and Square Reader issues for a second Point of Sales system.  

    1. Parlour Tour: Beth Hoops

      1. Jeannie Kirby continuing with reconciling the costs and revenues.

    2. Residential Promotion: Taylor Bodine

      1. Vices and Virtues Ball was awesome on Saturday February 8, 2020.

        1. Res Promo Chairperson complemented the current Treasurer, Jeff Roberts, for his responsiveness in support of the V&V Ball.

    3. Membership: Scott Plackemeier

      1. Scott attended that last Membership Committee Meeting.

      2. The May SRG Membership Party is being planned with alternative locations being discussed.

      3. The Committee would like to have other membership activities such as bowling and other outings.

    4. Fundraising: 

      1. No Report 

    5. Community Improvement District: John Durnell

      1. Waiting for receipt of revenues.

      2. Developing list of suggestions and public input on the way funds should be spent.

  1. Adjournment

Motion to Adjourn the Meeting.

Motion by Jeff Roberts, 2nd by Neil Putz.

Those present voted in favor of this motion. No votes opposed it.

Motion passed unanimously

    1. Meeting Adjourned at approximately 9:30 pm


These minutes summarizing this meeting were prepared by SRG Secretary, Gary Toribio.

Minutes Approved by SRG Board at their Zoom meeting on April 15, 2020

Note:  The above information is the Board Secretary’s understanding of the motions, votes and general issues that were discussed but are not intended to be a verbatim transcript of the meeting.


December 2019 Board Meeting Minutes


February 2020 General Meeting Minutes