March 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
March 2018 SRG Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes Written by Secretary Taylor Bodine
Date: March 21st, 2018
Location: Soulard Station, 1911 S. 12th St.
Officers and Directors in Attendance: Beth Bennett, Luann Denten, Scott Plackemeier, Neil Putz, Christopher Schwarz, Venessa Kobrin, Wade Weistreich, Billy Tomber, Taylor Bodine, Stephen Shuman, Bill Clendenin
Officers and Directors Absent: none
Guests Present: Julie Price
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by President Wade Weistreich
Guests Presentations
Julie Price: Allstate Insurance Possible Donation Program
Jim and Julie Price applied to Allstate’s giving program that donates to a philanthropy that the agency owner volunteers at least four hours of their time to. Any agent can donate $1,000 dollars to a philanthropy. Julie is proposing to her multiple contacts that they donate to the SRG as well. Julie shared with the board that she anticipates a donation of up to $11,000 for the SRG. She requested that if she is able to gain the donation, that the money be used towards the Mom Howard camera program, or any other camera program for the neighborhood. Julie will submit all of the information to Allstate either tomorrow or by April 1st. Wade will be contacted to verify that the volunteer information is correct.
Old Business
Mom Howard Camera
Wade got a good deal on camera systems and has purchased more equipment, utilizing the $1,000 donation from the Price’s Crawfish Boil. Judith reached out to him yesterday and they are hoping to get together this weekend. He has contacted a few people on the list to ensure that they have not previously received cameras, or purchased them themselves. Wade will continue to work on the list and will begin the process of writing a disclaimer for the cameras. Christopher is going to revise the disclaimer he received from Judith and cater it to be used by the SRG moving forward.
Board Elections
We have at least one neighbor running for each open position this year. Since there are multiple people running for the same position, we will have a ballot vote.
We are in need of a new Registered Agent. Bill Clendenin volunteered.
The Board would like to thank Chad Graham for his many years of service to the SRG as our Registered Agent.
Venessa noted that the earliest the survey will go live is on Monday, March 26th.
New Business
Transition Dinner
There are conflicts with the original date of April 18th. The meeting date was moved to April 15th. Venessa will send more information via email.
Board Retreat
Several board members suggested activities that might be fun including the STL Escape Room, moonlight picnic, and others. Venessa will look into the options and plan the event. More details to come via email.
Soulard Station
Neil has created a draft of the charter for the Board’s review. This is an opportunity to build a committee from the ground up, and set the standard for other committees to follow. Neil would like to establish these standards before beginning to recruit the committee.
Suggested edits from the Board were as follows:
-To allow the board to establish the “direction” or “mission” of the Soulard Station to give the committee a clear goal.
-Suggested that the committee chairman and the Board shall be in constant contact.
-To note that the scope of the use of the Soulard Station will remain up to the Board’s discretion.
-To note that every decision made must be done in the best interest of the SRG.
-To include more specifics about the costs of the Soulard Station and what the committee is responsible for achieving.
It was mentioned that the Board would like this document prepared and finalized by the April Board meeting, allowing time before the Ad Hoc committee meets and makes their goals for the budget meeting in June. This does not mean that the committee must be formed by that point. Neil will make revisions and send the document out to the board via email for edits and approvals.
CRO has been exploring what other cities around the country do to accommodate old and new. It does not appear that our historic district and code are at risk but we will continue to monitor this. Benton Park, Lafayette and Fox Park have already begun implementing this new way. Ultimately, the decision is made by the Board of Preservation. We do not believe that this will not impact our neighborhood.
Changes to the SRG Meeting Location
Venessa proposed moving the SRG meeting location after seeking out feedback from members over the course of several general meetings several issues with the current space were noted. These included issues with ability to hear due to echos and the PA system and the lack of a visual system. The Legion allows a smaller space with built in speaker system, as well as a large television that can be used to display the agenda and talking points during the meeting. The Legion has its own parking lot with adequate space and is also ADA compliant, which the current space is not. Venessa proposed to move the June and August SRG meetings to the Legion as a test run. They are also a partner of the SRG and have the potential to hold socials after meetings if needed.
Venessa will work with membership and the Communications Committee to ensure the membership is aware of the change in venue.
The June and August SRG General Meeting will be held at the Legion at 7PM.
Minutes Archive
Wade asked the Board to continue to work on their minutes and email their notes to him.
Treasurer’s Report
We are still in process of moving funds. We are beginning to write checks from our new bank now and are currently working on our taxes. Chris will have committee budgets/formats by April 1st. We will hear the actual budgets and goal during the May Board meeting. If you have anything outstanding, please get it to Chris since the end of the fiscal year is approaching. The net income is not actually negative, since checks are currently being transferred.
Committee Reports
Soulard Station: Neil Putz
A1 Roofing was supposed to come and fix the roof, but no bill has been sent, only an estimate. It was noted to start taking a look at the possibilities of a budget for a storage set in the back. Venessa mentioned that Spectrum will be cancelled for the Station once Bill Clendenin confirms new arrangements have been made.
PRT/Code and Zoning: Beth Bennett
The owner of Henry’s has bought the building next door and is scheduling a meeting with the PRT to discuss expansion.
The Preservation Hall’s signage was updated but not approved due to how large they are. They will meet to discuss again. Wade mentioned that he believes the Board should be involved with the decision.
The owners of the potential warehouse on Shenandoah and Menard will be meeting with their architect soon and then will meet with PRT.
Twisted Ranch has opened at a new location and painted on the north side of their building, which is against coding. Beth will discuss this with the PRT.
Beautification: Beth Bennett
A STL marketing firm volunteered and helped the Station this week. Beth said they were wonderful. The SLU group will be coming in April and Purina will be coming in May.
The Molly’s fundraiser date is TBD but will be a Thursday in May.
The Garden Tour is ready to go! We are going to try to get golf carts and shuttles donated. The tour will start and finish at the Station on June 30th.
Stephen Shuman brought up the communications box on Emmett Street. Beth noted that it is AT&T’s fiber lines and that they have been approved by the City.
Communications/Renaissance: Billy Tomber and Venessa Kobrin
The master calendar is posted and Jeremy and Venessa have been adding dates. To add a date, please send Venessa copy, a date and a photo. That is also used for the Blaster so please submit!
Venessa reminded the board that she would like to begin tracking the businesses in Soulard that have donated to the SRG. All donations need to be submitted prior to 4/30 in preparation for the Budget meeting in May.
Venessa has determined that her SRG project during her Presidency will be rewriting the SRG bylaws. She has identified dates for a working group to meet: May 10th, June 14th, July 12th, and August 19th. A working draft of the proposed changes to the SRG bylaws will be will be released to the public on July 13th , With proposed changes incorporated by August 19th. They will then be presented to the SRG General Membership during the September General for a vote. Only members in good standing (dues paid) will be able to vote on the proposed SRG Bylaws. Then the board will approve the new Bylaws. The Bylaws Working Group mission, information, and meeting dates group will be posted on Nextdoor, the SRG blaster, Facebook and our website.
April 25th is the deadline for the Renaissance.
Residential Promotions: Luann Denten
Luann requested additional money for an event that involves inviting Soulard historians and the general public to a reception at the Station to evaluate the historic signage. Chris stated that that could be funded through the historic signage budget and does not need to be approved as long as it’s within that budget.
Luann asked Chris is he had received a returned check from Weinhardt Party Rentals. Chris said he has not but that he would double check.
The Bastille Parade will be on July 14th.
Parlor Tour: Neil Putz
An after action review was held a few weeks ago, we have several homes signed up already. There is one final expense from this past year that he will be giving to Chris soon.
Chris noted that you do not have to have checks sent to the Station. You can have them sent to the committee member’s house, if you wish to.
Fundraising: Christopher Schwarz
Smarti Gras was a great success. We raised over $3,400 and had 14 tables and lots of great volunteers. He noted that more money was raised on raffle tickets than if we had done a silent auction. The date for next year will be January 19th.
We are discussing multiple spots for the GO! Marathon Cheer Station. This includes either hosting at a specific location of renting a portable restroom if that does not work out.
The will be five concerts held this year as part of the concert series. The September date will be subject to change so we do not conflict with Lou Fest. Our series will kick off on Mother’s Day. We are working on sponsorships and Jack Coatar is talking to the Parks Department to work on our fees. The budget may need to be adjusted – Chris will keep us updated. Overall, everything is looking good and the SBA has been a great help.
The volunteer shirts were presented to the board. You must have three shifts completed to earn the shirt, with up to one shift from last year that can count towards the shirt.
Brightside is asking for a donation from the SRG.
Chris moved to donate up to $250 to Brightside, as approved by Richard Eaton.
Billy Tomber seconded.
Yay: 10
Nay: 0
Motion passed.
There was a miscommunication so there was no police officer present for the last general meeting. We do have a backup now for future meetings. The safety walk is till TBD. They are discussing a May date.
On Wednesday, May 2nd from 6-9PM there will be a membership drive. Venessa requested further information to add to the calendar.
Dave Perry and Debbie Cope have joined the committee.
Chris, Venessa, and Scott attended the Membership Committee’s Bowling event on behalf of the Board. Chris mentioned that the bowling event was wonderful and it was great to see so many new faces.
Holiday Decorating: Venessa Kobrin
There is not as much room at MGI’s storage as we had anticipates so some items had to be thrown out. We do have totes that everything will be organized in at MGI. Luann asked if there was any room for a throne and Venessa responded that she would follow up. Bandstand
is not as secure as the MGI storage secured and not a long- term storage solution since it is a shared space. Beth mentioned putting money into the Bandstand. and Venessa noted that she is working with Cathy Weldon and Tom Gullickson of the SBA to secure grants for a stage addition and having the restrooms renovated. SBA is taking the lead on this project.
Motion to adjourn made by Venessa and seconded by Scott. The meeting was adjourned at 9:39 p.m.