November 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
November 2018 SRG Board Meeting
November 14, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Soulard Station
Board Members Present: Beth Bennett, Luann Denten, Venessa Kobrin, Eric Marlinghaus, Scott Plackemeier, Neil Putz, Billy Tomber, Wade Weistreich
Board Members Absent: Stephen Shuman
Minutes Recorded by Venessa Kobrin
Old Business
1. Bylaws Update
- Meetings will restart in January
- Meetings will be held at the Station
- Expect to set to vote in April in conjunction with the Board Elections
2. Merchandise
- The merchandise is at the Soulard Station currently.
- The merchandise will be moved to the Girls & Boys Club for the Parlour Tour
- Any remaining inventory will be returned to Left Hand to be restocked for online sales
- Merchandise will remain a responsibility of Fundraising
3. Request for Board Approval to pay the landscaping contractor for the Sidney Street Triangle Project
- The contractorβs total invoice is $7,726.57
- We are awaiting the incoming payment from Project Clear for $6,000.00
- This leaves a deficit of $1,726.57
- The entire amount ($7,726.57) will come from the Beautification Budget
- The grant money will be returned to the Beautification budget upon receipt
- This request has the support of the Committee Chair and the Project Chair
- We need Board Approval to cut the check
Motion: Luann Denten motions that we make the payment to the contractor in the amount of $7,726.57. Wade W. seconds. The motion passes unanimously.
4. Soulard Station
- Communication for use
o Both Tracy L. and Ann A. have access to the Station calendar
o Email communication is preferred to texting for scheduling
- Expectations for use/Reminders
o Committees are responsible for set-up and break-down of events
o Committees need to check the day before a meeting/event that the Station is setup as you wish and has the elements you need
o The Station Committee will assist as able but their primary function is the care, maintenance, supply stocking, calendar/usage coordination of the building
- Mailbox
o Both the mail box and door will be replaced
o The mailbox replacement will be temporary and the new door will include a mail slot
5. AllState Grant
- Trash cleanup with City Program
- Membership Event
Motion: Christopher Schwarz motions that we set aside the $1000 from the AllState Grant received in 2018 for the neighborhood cleanup program, to be headed by the Membership Committee. Neil seconds. The motion passes unanimously.
New Business
1. Trademark Application Authorization
- Seeking approval to trademark our logos
- Board approval is needed as this was not specified in our current Budget
- About 20 years ago the trademarks for Soulard and SRG were trademarked but we no longer have a registered trademark, as they have lapsed
- Looking at up to $400 per mark per application
- Seeking to spend up to $1,200.00 to register the marks
- βSoulard/SRG/starβ
Motion: Eric motions to approve $1200.00 to regain the trademarks held in 2006. Billy seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
2. PrideFest
- Working with outside agencies
- Sponsoring the event with time/money/volunteers
- The decision to sponsor STLPride should be brought to the general membership for support and questions
- Soulard Pride will continue to operate separately from both organizations
3. AECU Status
- Signatories have all been updated again
- The Treasurer will follow-up to ensure no other information is required by the bank
Upcoming Events
1. 43rd Annual Parlour Tour (12/1-2)
- All homeowners are being guided by the committee
- Logistics are in place
- Most volunteer slots are filled
2. Santa Comes to Soulard (12/14)
- Mark Lambert will be Santa again this year!
- There will be a tip jar for beverages
- Santa will arrive around 7:00 p.m.
- Volunteering would be appreciated for decorating the Tuesday prior
3. Smarti Gras Trivia (1/19)
- The Franklin Room is booked for the evening
- There is a conflict of date with the American Legion Mouse Races
- Eric will reach out to the Legion and report back
- It is likely that both events will be on the same date
4. Vices & Virtues (2/16)
- Location: The Casa Loma Ballroom on Cherokee, 7:00 to midnight
- The previous location, Lemp Grand Hall, upped the prices to over $6,000.00 for one day of access
- Last year was the venue cost $2,400, for three days of access
- Luann will be submitting the deposit and signing the contract for the space
- An after party will be held in the neighborhood at a neighborhood venue
Committee Liaison Reports
Residential Promotion
- The signage project open house went well
- Many homeowners attended
- The pamphlet is currently being created and finalized
- All updated materials have been received
- The cost per sign is $250, $105 per pole, $115 per installation
- 6 quotes were received β 4 with a neighborhood connection and 2 outside of the neighborhood
- Richard worked with two groups of kids to clean-up the parks and plant bulbs
- There was an educational component to teach the kids how to plant bulbs
- These are great events
- No report to give
- The tentative concert dates have been set
- Over $1,000 in tips have been received from Oktoberfest
- We are expecting a check for equal, if not more than, last yearβs Oktoberfest
- Renaissance delivers on Friday, 1:00 p.m. at Linda K.βs
- Next deadline is 12/20, for the MGI issue
Motion: Christopher S. motions that we join the Central Patrol District Association at the $500.00 level and allocate up to an additional $500.00 for gift certificates for 3rd District Officers. Wade seconds. Approved unanimously.
- No report given
Soulard Station
- A replacement remote for the AC unit has been purchased
Motion: Wade motions that $2500 be allocated to the Station Committee to replace the front door and surround as soon as possible. Scott P. seconds. Motion passes.
In-favor: Billy T., Luann D., Eric M., Wade W., Beth B., Neil P., Scott P.
Abstain: Christopher S.
Luann D. motions to underwrite Past President Don Kirbyβs fundraiser up to the amount of $1000 toward the general fund of the event. Neil P. seconds. Motions passes unanimously.
9:59 Wade W. motions to adjourn. Billy T. seconds. Meeting adjourned.