June 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes June 2018 SRG Board Meeting

Date:                               June 20, 2018

Location:                        Soulard Station

Minutes Recorded by:    Lisa Marlinghaus

The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by President Venessa Kobrin

Officers and Directors in Attendance: Beth Bennett, Luann Denten, LeRoy Fitzwater, Venessa Kobrin, Lisa Marlinghaus, Scott Plackemeier, Neil Putz, Christopher Schwarz, Billy Tomber, Wade Weistreich

Officers and Directors Absent:   Stephen Shuman


New Business

Minutes - Review of process (Lisa Marlinghaus)

The following process was agreed upon:

  1. Minutes will be taken on Wednesday and be released to the Board no later than the following Wednesday for review (1 week from the date of the meeting).

  2. This is an opportunity to review the minutes and suggest possible edits.

  3. Board members will have until Friday at 5:00 to submit suggested edits to the Secretary.

  4. By Sunday evening a final draft will be sent to the Board for approval.

  5. With a simple majority acceptance by the Board, the minutes will then be publicly released the following Monday.

Bastille Day (Venessa Kobrin)

Venessa Kobrin addressed the Board, stating that the Board needed to address issues of transparency regarding the event, which were brought to Venessa Kobrin’s attention via the suggestion link/email, etc. regarding how royalty is chosen.

Luann Denten stated the rules have been clearly defined and announced at every General Membership meeting. The Royalty is currently chosen as follows:

  • Individuals can be nominated either via the SRG website, Luann Denten, or any member of the Residential Promotion Committee

  • Names are placed in a hat

  • Name is drawn from the hat (at Residential Promotion Meeting)

  • Winners are selected early to ensure that 1) they wish to be a royal; 2) they will be in attendance.

  • Winner is announced at the beheading

Currently, there are 2 individuals nominated with 5 submissions totalling $25.00.

In order to make the selection process more transparent, the following suggestions were discussed amongst the Board:

  • Announce the candidates nominated before the event in advance. This would allow the candidate to accept the nomination, ensure they would be available for the event, and increase participation the day of the event due to the fact that those nominated would bring friends and family

  • Have the treasurer verify the donations in order to support fiscal responsibility and prepare the β€œhat”

  • Draw the winner in front of the public at the Bastille beheading; perhaps by the newly beheaded or ghost royals

Neil Putz stated he supported the suggestions of the Board. If the general membership has concerns of transparency, it is something the Board is responsible for addressing.

Venessa Kobrin stated there is perceived unfairness tied to money, so the issue needs to be resolved.

Billy Tomber stated when an issue involves the SRG, the Board will be involved.

Luann Denten stated she would reach out to her committee and get back to the Board at the next Board Meeting to which Venessa Kobrin responded that meeting would be held after the Bastille Day event took place, and that was not acceptable.  

Venessa Kobrin stated we could call a special meeting to discuss the Residential Promotion Committee’s response, to which LeRoy Fitzwater replied, the Board could vote via email.

Luann Denten stated she would reach out to the committee and return their decision to the Board by Wednesday, June 27.

Playground at Pontiac Park/MGF (Lisa Marlinghaus/Venessa Kobrin)

  • The deadline for the KaBoom grant is June 30. Lisa Marlinghaus and Venessa Kobrin, with the support of Richard Eaton, are completing this grant application.

  • The MGF deadline has yet to be published. Lisa Marlinghaus and Venessa Kobrin, with the support of Richard Eaton, will complete this grant application.

  • Richard Eaton is working with the city to identify and request any additional funds that are available to the SRG in support of the new playground project.

  • Venessa Kobrin discussed the MGF Grant with Tim Lorson and shared the following:

    • First priority would go to the playground and any additional would go to power in the park project

    • Billy Tomber suggested part of the fund go to MGI to fix the roof where the SRG has storage

    • It was stated that a grant is not needed for the stage

    • Venessa Kobrin asked the Board to send her their ideas on what they would like to propose for the grant.  She requested they send an outline of what they would like to request along with the estimated cost. The SRG will then submit its interests as a group.

    • Suggestions are to be emailed to Venessa Kobrin by July 16

Treasurer’s Report (Christopher Schwarz)

  • End of the fiscal year is June 30

  • All check requests for this fiscal year need to be to Christopher Schwarz by noon on 6/26

  • Bank balance is  $97,716

  • Net income is $9,158

  • The SRG will be in the black at the end of the fiscal year

  • There are problems with Square income being placed in the proper accounts; Billy Tomber and Scott Plackemeier will discuss Square issues overall; if a committee thinks they are missing income, they need to discuss with Chris Schwarz

  • General Membership needs to approve budget; information will be resent to the General Membership and that meeting is scheduled for July 11, at 7:00 PM, at the American Legion


Committee Reports

Soulard Station (Neil Putz)

  • Sign up list for the committee will be handed out to General Membership on July 11

  • Information will also go out in General Membership email

  • Neil Putz stated he will be sending the charter for the Soulard Station committee to the Board so all current members have a copy.  He welcomes comments and asked they be sent to him by the end of July.

  • It was stated that the trash cans are gone from the Station. Waste Management will be contacted.

  • It was stated that recycling was cancelled, however, recycling bin is still out there and is now being used for trash.  A call will be placed to have the recycling can picked up.

  • AC has been repaired. Remote needs to be located. Neil Putz and Venessa Kobrin will find remote or order new. Venessa Kobrin  will call manufacture tomorrow (6/21).

  • Supplies currently being stored at the Station will be out before garden tour

  • New mailbox needed. Neil Putz will address.

Communication (Billy Tomber)

  • The DEADLINE for inclusion in the Octoberfest Issue of the Renaissance is August 30, 2018. All submissions go to editor@soulard.org.

  • If you are a committee that needs communication, let Billy Tomber know.

  • The next issue of the Renaissance is Oktoberfest and is scheduled to be delivered on approximately September 11th or 12th.

  • Renaissance Parlour Tour edition is scheduled to be delivered the week before Thanksgiving; Parlour Tour is already submitting articles.

Beautification (Beth Bennett)

  • Worked at Aboussie Park and the Station.

  • Will be on promoting event on Channel 4 next Wednesday (6/27).

  • Working with new group of artists for the tour.

  • Soulard community garden has rejoined the tour.

  • Greatest need at this time is golf carts to be used for assistance.

  • Triangle garden update

    • SRT was  awarded $6K in grants and given an option of $2K upfront.

    • Need to remove ash trees on the triangle and after they are removed, work can begin. Currently at the  mercy of Forestry Division to remove those trees.

    • Cannot plant in the heat.  Due to the heat, an extension has been requested for  to run through the end of October.

  • This year drought resistant plants were used in pots to decrease money spent on watering

PRT (Beth Bennett)

  • Victor Iron Works will request meetings for signage approval.

  • The building at 1001 Russell has plans that have been finalized. The same developer is going to do the new building at 9th and Soulard. That project has not been finalized.

  • Twisted Ranch still has large sign and awnings.  Venessa Kobrin stated they are being fined daily by the City.  It is out of the SRG’s hands. She is in discussions with the owner. .

Residential Promotion (Luann Denten)

  • Welcomed 3 new members

  • Young professionals reached out for opportunities to volunteer

  • July  6 committee party will be held

  • Bastille parade - July 14

    • Parade starts at Grizzly.

    • A feast will follow the event along with a costume contest at Grizzly

    • Grizzly is providing space and DJ at no cost to the SRG

    • Fete & Feast is a mutual effort between Woodshack and Grizzly

    • Food will be provided by Woodshack at a discount to the SRG

    • Residential Promotion has negotiated special extras for the crowd at each stop

    • Route has been set and shared with police department

    • Carriage fee has been renegotiated (β…“ of initial projection) and a backup plan is in place if it is too hot for the horse to pull the carriage

    • Music has yet to be determined

  • Some of the liquor from the postponed potluck was used at homeowners’ garden tour event and will continue to be used at upcoming events

  • October 26th is the scheduled date for Halloween golf cart parade

Membership (Stephen Shuman)

  • Neil Putz stated that although Stephen Shuman is not present to report, he would like to let the Board know that when Membership receives a receipt from the website it doesn't provide information needed enter new members into the DB. It doesn’t contain the information needed  to reachout to the new member for clarification of information. Topic needs further discussion with ComCom to resolve.

Safety (Scott Plackemeier)

  • Next meeting is scheduled for June 25th at 7:00 PM

  • Luann Denten stated Mark Packer, owner of Truman’s, has owner has cameras on his building and is willing to share his footage, if needed.

Fundraising (Chris Schwarz)

  • Volunteer Shirts

    • Shirts were delivered at last meeting along with a handwritten thank you card

    • 17 volunteers have been recognized at this time

    • Made over 100 shirts; if there is a large supply remaining at the end of the year we may redistribute

  • Concert series is going well

    • July 21 Falling Fences performs.  This performance is the same night as the naked bike ride.  Discussing possibly pushing the concert to 6:30 to avoid conflict. Chris Schwarz will reach out for discussion.

    • August 11 Pedestrians performs

    • Goal is to go from sponsorship to underwriting

    • 1st beer sales went to SRG and second went to the American Legion. Moving forward, we need others to work beer booth. Suggestions are welcome.

  • Oktoberfest is coming up

  • Hot chocolate run reached out to the SRG

Closing Remarks



           Motion to adjourn made by LeRoy Fitzwater and seconded by Neil Putz, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


July 2018 Board Meeting Minutes


June 2018 General Meeting Minutes