April 2016 Board Meeting Minutes
April 2016 SRG Board Meeting Minutes
Date: April 20, 2016
Location: Soulard Station, 1911 S. 12th St.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Bill Clendenin
Members in attendance: Bill Clendenin, Wade Weistreich, Venessa Kobrin, Christopher Schwarz, Scott Plackemeier, Neil Putz, Gary Toribio, Mike Ziemann, Beth Bennett, Luann Denten, Jackie Parker
Members absent: Alicia Stellhorn
Immediate past board members: Sean Cochran, Steve Parker
1. SRG sponsorship of Soulard Concert Series
The Board discussed sponsorship of the Soulard Concert Series. There was clarification regarding the event, neighborhood cooperation and the involvement of Soulard nonprofits.
Motion: Luann Denten motioned that the SRG support the Soulard Concert Series at the $1,500 sponsorship level.
Second: Gary Toribio
Passed 10-0.
2. Midwest Petroleum wants to expand its liquor license
Midwest Petroleum, 1314 Gravois Ave., wants to expand its liquor license from 5 percent to 22 percent alcohol content. They say that they are looking to sell craft beer with the expanded license.
Outside of the meeting, Alderman Jack Coatar requested that the SRG Safety Committee meet with Midwest Petroleum representatives. The vice president of finance is scheduled to be at the Safety Committee meeting on April 25.
It was suggested that any support of an expanded license would have to be coupled with Midwest Petroleum’s agreement to stop selling single cans of beer. Steve Parker asked if anyone knew which conditions can be imposed with the support of a license. Mike Ziemann said that if there was a mechanism to ensure that the conditions will be enforced, than there is the potential for support.
Chris Schwarz asked if we were required to take a side. Clarification was made that it is within the boundaries of the neighborhood and that we have been specifically asked for our view on the matter.
The Safety Committee will meet with them on April 25.
This issue was tabled until the Safety Committee meets with Midwest Petroleum and further research can be completed regarding the feasibility of attaching and enforcing conditions to support.
3. Sidewalk seating at Twisted Ranch
Twisted Ranch, 1730 S. 8th St., is requesting an SRG letter of support for a Board of Adjustment hearing on May 11, regarding an application for sidewalk seating. Luann Denten said that the requirement for outdoor seating is 4 feet to pass through on the sidewalk.
Neil Putz pointed out that other operations have previously closed at this location, and outdoor seating would help Twisted Ranch. It was noted that Twisted Ranch has been a good neighbor and that there have been many positive interactions with its ownership.
Motion: Jackie Parker made a motion that SRG write a letter of support for Twisted Ranch’s sidewalk seating application.
Second: Neil Putz
Passed 10-0.
Mike Ziemann motioned to adjourn, Luann Denten seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.