August 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
SRG Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2015 at Soulard Station, 1911 S. 12th St.
Meeting started at 7:10 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by President-Elect Bill Clendenin because President Mike Ziemann was delayed by traffic. Ziemann arrived a few minutes later.
Members present: Mike Ziemann, Beth Bennett, Bill Clendenin, Luann Denten, Jeremy Mehrle, Jackie Parker, Steve Parker, Alicia Stellhorn
Members absent: Sean Cochran, Gary Toribio
Board member resignation:
Past President Nancy Kelly notified the Board President and Board members by letter dated Aug. 12 that she was resigning effective immediately due to inflexible vacation, family and travel commitments through December. She said that she believed her absence from a majority of monthly meetings, Board meetings and fund-raising events while continuing to serve would be a disservice to herself and the Board.
(Note: According to SRG Bylaws, Section 9: Resignation, Article D: If the Immediate Past President resigns from the Board, that position on the Board shall remain vacant until the term expires.)
Guests: Richard Eaton and John Durnell regarding Terra Madonna sculpture:
Richard Eaton and John Durnell presented a proposal to move the Terra Madonna sculpture by Ureil Starbuck to Pontiac Square Park to be located in one of the raised bed areas. The sculpture currently is located at Unity Christ Church, 33 N. Skinker Blvd. The property where it is now may be sold and the artist wants to find a new home before the sale. The cost to transport and erect the 11-foot-tall and 5-foot-wide sculpture is estimated at $1,500. Durnell said that the funds would come from the Beautification Committee budget. Starbuck, the artist, wants a plaque saying that the artwork is sponsored by someone to be determined.
The Board unanimously approved sending a letter of support for relocating the sculpture to Pontiac Square Park to the City Parks Department and Alderman Jack Coatar.
There were some questions about income from the Tap ‘N’ Run event coming in $1,800 under budget. Treasurer Alicia Stellhorn said she would contact the organizers to determine the whereabouts of a check representing the shortfall, a check that has been sent to the wrong address in previous years.
Old Business:
Hot Chocolate Run Volunteer Opportunity
Luann Denten and Jackie Parker both attended a planning meeting for the Hot Chocolate 15k-5k, which will be the morning of Dec. 13. Denten talked with the event’s volunteer coordinator, who outlined a plan for paying $10 per volunteer for 50 volunteers per shift, with up to five shifts. Jackie Parker said that at the same meeting, she and Billy Tomber had talked with Kyle Cameron of RAM Racing, who is heading the local Hot Chocolate event. Cameron, Tomber and Parker came up with the idea that SRG provide one cheer station and pass out chocolates at a location to be determined. Jackie Parker said that they had agreed that the payment-per-volunteer idea would be too taxing for the SRG membership coming so quickly after the Holiday Parlour Tour. Parker said she and Tomber told Cameron that the SRG receives $1,000 for the cheer station for Tap ‘N’ Run.
The SRG Board indicated its support for having a cheer station at the Hot Chocolate run.
Star Awards:
Star Awards will be given at the Sept. 2 SRG General Membership Meeting.
Satisfactory contract revisions have been made and the SRG’s booth location looks good.
New Business:
The Soulard Business Association wants to make the Soulard Alliance a branch of the SBA and use it as a public relations and marketing tool. The SBA wants a consolidated calendar of neighborhood events that would include some of the SRG’s big events, but they are not seeking to replace the Blaster or The SBA is paying for the production of updated Soulard brochures that would include information for a walking tour of the neighborhood.
The .10K Challenge and Pub Crawl will be Sept. 5, covering roughly two blocks from the Great Grizzly Bear, 1027 Geyer Ave., to Molly’s 816 Geyer Ave.
The 1860’s Saloon, 1860 S.9th St., will sponsor at golf tournament Monday, Oct. 19, with proceeds going to the Soulard Safety Committee.
The SBA is against having fund-raising booths at Ballpark Village events.
Trops Concerns:
Concerns were expressed about trash resulting from patrons of Trops, 1800 S. 10th St. Jeremy Mehrle said that neighbors have talked to the owners of Trops about the situation and that they indicated improvements would be forthcoming. Mike Ziemann said he also would talk to the owners and that SRG Board members should continue to monitor the situation. The Board would write a warning letter if necessary.
Another sculpture offer for Pontiac Square Park:
Luann Denten said that an artist had offered a sculpture for Pontiac Square Park as a gift, if the SRG would pay about $300 for the footings. The sculpture would go at the west entrance on the 10th Street side. She said the sculpture is complete and at the artist’s studio. She distributed a rendering of the sculpture.
Mike Ziemann asked if it meets historic code and whether it fits the feel of Pontiac Square Park. Ziemann said he anticipates that some people will say that they “aren’t sure this modern art fits what was envisioned for this park.”
It was noted that John Durnell, during his presentation earlier in the meeting, had said that he wants Pontiac Square Park to house multiple sculptures. Steve Parker wondered whether sculptures in the park would subtract from the amount of green space and restrict recreational activities. Luann Denten said that sculptures would be located so that no open space would be lost.
Mike Ziemann said that at the Sept. 2 General Membership Meeting he would show a photo of the Terra Madonna sculpture and say that the Board had given its approval for it to be in Pontiac Square Park. He said he would ask someone from the Beautification Committee to present the second proposal. He said he would ask for SRG members’ thoughts.
Luann Denten said that she would ask the city’s Cultural Resources Office if the second sculpture is appropriate for the park.
Committee Reports:
iPad being purchased to serve as Square at fund-raising events. Sept. 4 is the next deadline for the Oktoberfest edition of the Renaissance.
Code and Zoning:
Ryan Brockschmitt posted on his site that JDS Properties had recently uploaded a video tour of the vacant building at South 9th and Lami streets. The video discusses what would be required to rehab the building. It’s unclear what is happening at the site.
No report beyond the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k event on Dec. 13 discussed earlier.
Meeting is tomorrow (Thursday, Aug. 13.)
Residential Promotion:
The Soulard flags have been sent back to the manufacturer to correct a design defect. Soulard magnets, perhaps in the shape of the Soulard Star with the web address, will be offered for sale.
There were more National Night Out parties in the neighborhood this year, increasing to about five from two last year. One or two more might be added next year.
Bill Clendenin said the application for the Soulard Community Improvement Grant for the Soulard Security Camera System was still subject to review. Locations for the cameras are still subject to discussion. He distributed copies of the application to Board members.
No report.
Soulard Station:
Luann Denten said that Vicki Morris has requested committee chairs to send her dates of next year’s meetings that would be in the Station. Mike Ziemann reminded committee chairs to notify Vicki Morris whenever a meeting at the Station is canceled so that the venue might be used for another booking.
The meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m.