July 2014 Board Meeting

SRG Board Meeting Minutes

 July 09, 2014


Meeting started at 7:11 PM


In Attendance:  Jeremy Mehrle, Jackie Parker, Macy Mehrle, Luann Denten, Beth Bennett, Nancy Kelly, Sean Cochran, Michael Pastore, Jill Weissgerber, Alicia Stellhorn


Guests: Teresa Parker to speak about TOCO, Tapestry of Community Offerings


  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Cannot close out books for last year until some funds come in that need to be attributed to last year
    2. Report Approved
  2. Old Business
    1. Pontiac Park update
      1. Submitted Timeline 
        1. 07-10-14 
          1. Turn in permit.
          2. Get check for $4,000.00 to Mark Bunch
          3. Check for concrete, $800.00 for Mike Giasomo
        2. 07-11-14
          1. work begins
          2. concrete installation and steel welding
        3. 07-18-14
          1. Concrete complete and stained
          2. Begin installation of fencing
          3. Check for balance due to Mike Giasomo
        4. 09-16-14
          1. Project at least 2/3 finished by Mark Bunch
          2. Another check for $4,000 to Mark Bunch
        5. 10-17-14
          1. Completed Art Installation.
          2. Check for balance due to Mark Bunch
        6. 10-18-14
          1. Much excitement and celebration over the finished art installation at Pontiac Park
      2. Still awaiting green light from city hall
      3. Motion to accept Paul Giassomo bid and that we do not need to get a 3rd bid- PASSED- 1 abstained, 10 yes

  3. New Business
    1. Request for SRG to be a sponsor of TOCO
      1. Teresa Parker explained what TOCO is/does and asked for a donation from SRG
      2. Motion that we do not give money to TOCO, an outside organization- Unanimously Passed
      3. After discussion, board decided TOCO would not benefit Soulard, we shall pass on this opportunity
    2. Oktoberfest 2014
      1. SRG received a copy of the vendor agreement, same agreement as each prior year
  4. Committee reports
    1. Beautification
      1. Beautification garden tour was great, made money, sold between 137-200 tickets
      2. Art auction will be October 3
      3. 6 pieces sold during tour
      4. Center islands on broadway were cleaned up and spruced up
    2. Code & Zoning
      1. 10th and Allen has been sold
    3. Communications
      1. Bravo on new website for Jeremy Mehrle
      2. next deadline for Renaissance is September 17
    4. Fundraising
      1. no report
    5. Membership
      1. no report
    6. Residential Promotion
      1. Res promo researching entry marker signs, Bastille en vogue event proceeds will go towards entry markers
      2. Looking into first "local hour" at franklins 
    7. Safety
      1. Bill talked to Mardi gras inc about requesting cameras as our grant proposal, he did a great job presenting for the cameras


Meeting adjourned at 9:58 PM



August 2014 General Membership Meeting


June 2014 Board Meeting