October 2013 General membership meeting minutes
General membership October 2, 2013
Meeting started at 7:05
I. Introductions
I. Board Members Present- Nancy Kelly, Sean Cochran, Macy Mehrle, Jackie
Parker, Michael Pastore, Luann Denton, Beth Bennett, Alecia Stellhorn II. Alderwomanandalderman-PhillisYoungandKenOrtmann
II. Secretary&treasurerreportsandapproval I. September Minutes approved
II. Treasurerreportapproved
- Police report: Officer Miller Not Present- no report
- Announcements
- lift for life academy-cupcake/bottle cap 5k
- November 9th
- Volunteersneeded7-11amand10-2pm
- Forest park
- Contact Jackie Parker at 314-402-8269 jparker@liftforlife.org
- TasteofSt.Louis
- Thanks to all volunteers and supporters
- OfficialfundraiserdollarstowardsSRGnotavailableyet
- $31,000 $1,100 in tips, after expenses about $700 (check treasurer report)
- Found: 1 dressy snazzy vest
- Oktoberfest-SRG beer booth
- October 11,12,13
- Volunteersneeded,signupsheetpassedaround
- Thursday night set up
- Monday tear down
- lift for life academy-cupcake/bottle cap 5k
- Old Business
I. MGI tree grant- no updates
VI. New Business
- The island frozen yogurt is applying for liquor license
- 1009-A Russell
- Petitiontofollowwithinmonthforsupportoffulldrinks,Sundaydrinks,sidewalk cafe
- Discussion about license voiced concerns for more bars and outdoor seating,some wanted to try samples, this goes against previous known intent for
opening in the neighborhood
- Board will put petition on meeting agenda
- Oldtiptoplocationhasalsopetitionedforliquorlicense
VII.Committee reports
I. Safety
I. Scott spoke
I. Safety walk is happening directly after November general meeting, before the social
II. Groupswillwalktheneighborhoodandnoticeandmarksafetyconcerns
II. Phyllisaddressedandsuggestedthatindividualsmakesafetyconcernsknow all year round to citizen services bureau
II. Beautification
I. Richard Eaton spoke
I. Weed warriors met on Saturday, September 29
II. WeedwarriorT-shirtsareavailableforthepriceof3weedwarrior
volunteer shifts or $10
III. First saturday of every month is set for weed warrior clean up
II. Artauction,Friday,October4th,doorsat5PM,auctionat7PMatSoulard station
I. Selling tickets for drinks
II. Liveauctionpaintingsthatwerecreatedduringgardentour III. Benefits proceed beautification committee
IV. Resident artists have donated paintings for the auction
III. Membership
I. Mandie Mason spoke
II. Newmembershipdirectoryisoutandavailable
III. Americorps at 1315 Ann Ave is hosting the social after this meeting
IV. Communications
I. Billy- New Renaissance coming out on Monday
V. Code & zoning/plan review team
I. Jay Gibbs- 2 proposed demolitions in the neighborhood
I. 1042 Shenandoah
- Shell with plywood up, 1890′s single family
- Alleyhouse
- Crumbling into the ground
- building abandoned
- Wall bowing
- Property going up for live tax auction on October 8 at starting bid of$4,600, this figure was advertised in the post dispatch, auction possibly
in civil courts building
VII.If building is bought, plans would need to be shown to city within 6
VIII.Has been approved for emergency city demolition IX. Discussion about building
I. anger about demolition, 4 different developers said no, danger from people driving in alley could be crushed, needs $30-$40,000 worth of masonry work, foundation is failing
- Alleyhousebehindbarbershopbuildingon7th
- John Wyatt is interested in demolishing alley house
- NeedstoFixroof,brickwork,asphalt,shingles,siding,putfencearound and put parking in
- Wants to put apartments in building
- Final plans will be submitted to committee before demolition isapproved
- Party interested in 10th and Allen building
VI. Fundraising
I. January 18- smarty gras
VII.Parlour tour
I. Jim spoke about potential advertising
VIII.Residential promotion
I. Turkeyfest is happening
I. Recipe contest, turkey bowling, golf cart dress up
II. November23,Soulardstation
- October10,7-8:30neighborhoodexchangeathistorymuseum
- Trying to raise money for 14 Entryway markers for Soulard
- Oktoberfest kick off Saturday, October 5th, Molly’s and 1860′s
- STL 250, year long celebration of St. Louis
IX. Mardi Gras I. No report
X. Soulard special business district I. No report
XI. Soulard station I. No report
Meeting dismissed at 8:02 PM